The Chinese Government is actively committing genocide against the Uyghur people. They literally have internment camps, multiple governments have denounced this, there are photos.
This isn't even close to the worst atrocities the Chinese govt commit against Uyghurs and others: millions in concentration camps visible from satellite and unknown numbers of on-demand executions for forced organ donations.
They’ve started with throwing 2 million into a concentration camp and are currently in the process of working them to death. Their families are being genetically wiped out with Han men literally taking the place of the previous Uyghur male. No, this is a literal holocaust/genocide.
Did you know that China separates Uighur women from their husbands and has them father children with mainland Chinese men ? All in order to systemically wipe out the Uighur people. Or how about China kidnapping anyone critical of the government (regardless of whether they are a citizen or not) and having them tortured/killed.
It really is a mini-Nazi 2.0 situation and so the comparison with anything that the US has ever done is really disgraceful.
Oh come on. They’re attempting to “re-educate” a culture out of existence, to prevent the transmission of a language, a religion and an identity, a culture and using the most brutal methods to do so but there are no plans to kill everyone. It’s quite evil enough without trivialising actual attempts at genocide, like in Rwanda, WWII or the Dzhungar genocide. This is an attempt at cultural erasure, not a full blown plan to kill everyone of a particular ethnicity. The PRC party-state will gladly take any Uyghur who will cast off their culture and treat them as a loyal citizen.
Replace China with Nazi Germany and re-read your comment. The Chinese are putting Uighurs in concentration camps to destroy their culture (genocide) and harvest their organs.
Your inability to clearly see that the plight of the Uyghurs is little different than the plight of the Jewish people during World War II is distasteful.
The only difference now, is that we at least know the Uyghurs are being systematically targeted. Pity no one has the goddamn backbone to do anything about it.
China has put at least a million, if not more, of Uyghur people into concentration camps. That is not detention, it is how you go about eradicating a people
Except it's even worse, because in this particular case they're targeting an area full of ethnic minorities in a Han dominated china:
Reposting a previous post with some articles you might want to read
“Uyghur have concentration camps built for them in the last 5 years [1], women were sterilized [2] cultural destruction and forced labor [3] or rape [4] or even selling their organs like hair [5] or tracking Uyghur outside China [6]”