Pinch-to-zooooooooom!!!!!!!!!! Finally. I will definitely try Firefox again for a week or so, and see how it manages, battery-wise, compared to Safari.
Firefox on Mac's big battery life problem is apparently lack of integration with the system compositor. There's a fix in the works for this. Although I expect safari will still be better in this regard. Safari is pretty impressive.
I recently moved from Chrome to Firefox 57 on both Mobile and Desktop. The only grip i have with it is that i hope it can get a good with device battery as safari is.
I take it you don't use a Mac, Chrome is a battery hog on OSX and I'd love to hear it isn't because I might try it again. For now it's Safari+FF for me. It's been a while since FF sucked.
Yup, I switched back to Safari because I noticed Firefox uses significantly more energy (battery lasts a few hours less when I'm out). So it's likely that it has an impact on responsiveness too.
It’s successfully pushed me to Firefox. I love safari and how gentle it is on the battery but I’d rather have 6 hours of functional browsing than 10 hours of dealing with Safari’s nonsense.
Some years ago Firefox was near-unusable on MacBooks because it started spinning fans like crazy after a few minutes, eating battery in 30 minutes. But it had improved immensely since that time.
Speaking of Safari, maybe it's a matter of preference or habit, but for me it's has a very weird UX
The only downside is that FF battery life is much worse than Safari. Supposedly they're working on being smarter about GPU usage to improve this, but I haven't checked lately to see if it has made a difference.
Safari is so much better at preserving battery life it's not even funny. I'm still using Firefox because I find their containers concept incredibly useful, here's hoping Apple steal that idea with the next version of macOS.
FF is significantly better on OSX battery than it was in the past (since v70 I believe).. however Safari is still king. I never fire up Chrome anymore on my Macbook