I find twitter to be quite usable in mobile safari. I have the app too, but usually find myself still browsing in safari.
Quora is just a broken site right now, mobile or not.
reddit OTOH still seems to work okay on desktop. For a plaintext discussion forum that I prefer to read anonymously, theyve reaaaally screwed the pooch on mobile. I aboid reddit links whenever possible now, which is... sad.
My impression is that Reddit, Twitter and Quora are completely broken on mobile. My only possible conclusion is that these companies don't care about mobile users. Or at least not about casual mobile users who don't have the app installed. (I'm certainly not going to install a separate app for every website I visit; I already have a browser for that.)
I use infinity app, might as well leave reddit from mobile :/
I sometimes use Twitter from mobile browser, the experience is ok but for Reddit, it's absolutely terrible.
I am a big fan of Reddit, give them a few dollars every month. I just stopped reading reddit on my iPhone: I don’t like the mobile app and the mobile web. I use the desktop version on my iPad Pro and MacBook. I don;t need to read Reddit on my phone.
I really wish they would write a great mobile web app. I use Facebook once a week to catch up on family stuff, and go all mobile. I also use Twitter sometimes, always mobile.
I try to avoid other sites that try to force me to install an app. I can do without their content.
I hate using Reddit on mobile. I’m generally reading on a bus or train in Safari and it will virtually force me to use the app. 90% of those times it will open the store instead and maybe want to update the app, or I’m not logged in so I will have to take a few minutes to reset the password, even though I’m logged into the web app. If the app does load it’s slow and buggy. I wish I could make the mobile web page the default.
Narwhal on iOS is pretty great. First-party reddit app is quite bad. Ironically reddit heavily pushes their official mobile app if you visit on mobile Safari.
Browsing Reddit is so much easier in a mobile browser - at least for me. Allows me to open multiple pages in new tabs and browse them when convenient. Also makes sharing articles or pages to other places easier.
I've tried the apps - but nothing beats the browser for me. If they kill the mobile website, I'll just stop using Reddit.
Reddit is horrible to use on mobile devices as well. They're trying to force you to download the app, but I'm not interested to download an app to browse a website. I already have a browser.
In almost all situations, I prefer the mobile web over apps. But reddit's mobile offerings are _so bad_ compared to Reddit Sync. I know at some point Reddit will pull the plug on third party apps, and that's when I stop using Reddit.
In a way I’m thankful that Reddit has made using their site so inhospitable to mobile browsers. I’ve simply stopped using it. Though it seems they’ve at least brought back old.reddit.com but i.reddit.com still seems to redirect to the incredibly unusable www.reddit.com on mobile.
Now, in its place, I load up a .epub book in the iOS Books app and set it to continuous scroll mode. This way I’m getting the dopamine hit from the continuous scrolling AND I’m actually reading something worth my time, energy, and effort rather than outrage bait, astroturfing posts, or karma farm threads.
That’s what use and consider to be the best reddit mobile experience. The regular reddit mobile site doesn’t seem to render on iOS Safari properly most of the time, probably by design.
Most mobile websites are intentionally gimped because native apps can target ads better.
But Reddit is one of the worst. I wouldn't ever visit the site if it didn't rank so high on search results. I've noticed the frontend has gotten worse and worse every time I look at it. Ever since they changed to a React type frontend, at least 5% of the time the comments won't even load. It just doesn't work. Reddit really is a cautionary tale of attacking your users. I expect it to follow in Mozilla's footsteps as another company that makes no money but pretends it's a unicorn.
Here is another tangent. What the hell is with Reddit's popup on mobile to get you to install their app?! That thing is plain destructive, and you used to be able to dismiss it but not it even redirects you to /r/popular. So I guess your only option to read reddit on mobile is the app despite having a perfectly functional website
I find the not-old reddit link unusable on mobile as reddit frequently blocks mobile browsers from loading, demanding they use the app for data collection purposes.
Don't a lot of the big websites have a lite or basic version?
Reddit doesn't really have that but they're trying really hard to discourage using the site on mobile, they want you on the app. The same with Twitter.
Quora is just a broken site right now, mobile or not.
reddit OTOH still seems to work okay on desktop. For a plaintext discussion forum that I prefer to read anonymously, theyve reaaaally screwed the pooch on mobile. I aboid reddit links whenever possible now, which is... sad.