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White supremacists are much smarter than you.

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White supremacists ?

Thank you for clarifying. However they don't prove your case, and I'll explain why.

Arguing that a conspiracy exists to harm a group is not evidence that this group is superior. It simply does not follow. Yes, I can see how this view might be shared by white supremacists but it simply does not follow from this statement alone. And for the record, I myself don't find his argument compelling.

The second statement goes deeper into Molyneux's thinking to an area where even I fear to tread. On this one I can concede that Molyneux establishes a link between IQ and what kind of gov't is possible in such a population. This _could_ be evidence of white supremacist thinking.

Now let me provide some counter evidence. Could a white supremacist accept/promote a claim that other races have higher IQ than whites? I don't believe so, because that would imply that whites are not superior in one area and throw the whole ideology into confusion. Yet he does so in this tweet: https://twitter.com/stefanmolyneux/status/116998248528916480...

The rush to judgment on someone is part of what's causing so much discord in the US right now. Molyneux is no white supremacist, but he doesn't shield himself from their arguments either.

If you want to reduce white supremacy to basic statistics, you can do that, but as intellectual three-card Monte games go, this isn't a very good one: it's pretty easy to see the trick.

If you believe that, in the aggregate, "white" people are intellectually superior to any other race of people, you're a white supremacist. That's not a value judgement; it's literally what it means to be a white supremacist. I guess you could be a mild, benevolent white supremacist? I can grant you that all white supremacists do not wear hoods and burn crosses?

No it’s not. The biases that infect the white supremacist are just one side of the extremist coin. You live on the other side of extremism. Unable to see the scientific truth past your idealism.

The white supremacist sees himself as superior even though reality says he clearly isn’t and you see everything as equal even though it clearly isn’t the case. The truth is far more complex. But that is irrelevant to you. You don’t care about the truth, you only care about defeating your enemy, the white supremacist.

Thats why your childish response tries to turn the whole topic into a war against your personal enemy. Almost no one here is a white supremacist so your statement serves no one other than yourself.

How can I say so much about your character without really knowing you? First off you made a huge logical error that reveals your biases.

IQ scores do not make white people look good. They make Asians look smart. If anything IQ scores will be utilized by Asian supremacists NOT white supremacists. It is totally illogical to think that IQ scores are used by white supremacists when Asians have Superior scores.

Yet here you are calling it a white supremacist dog whistle. Totally illogical. So why do you do it? Again the only reason here is because your statement serves your own personal biases. My advice to you is to to cast your biases aside and try to be more logical. You are a software engineer and logical thought is a required trait for all software engineers so it's good for you to train for this because clearly you lack training in this area.

White supremacists don't necessarily believe that whiteness is inherently superior to blackness (the existence of black scholars and white numbskulls proves this). They also believe that their culture is superior to black culture.

* Editing the comment for clarity

Read comment below.

A paper showing supremacists in the 1920's were more likely to be educated (not intelligent, educated, which makes sense... the KKK was a prominent social organization in some parts of the country at that time and the locally wealthy and movers and shakers who could afford education belonged.) This doesn't tell us much about the intelligence of supremacists today. I am still guessing supremacists today are less intelligent than average.... because, supremacy is a stupid philosophy. That's my gut feeling.

Edit: Response to the below... I guess I should clarify... There are probably a good number of intelligent people who hold racist views.

The specific people I'm talking about though are people who would join a supremacist organization or register on stormfront. I believe most of these are probably not particularly intelligent.

What you say about feeling that people disagree with you are stupid makes sense. But I maintain most people who overtly hold a supremacist philosophy enough to join a supremacist organization, in this day and age have not carefully considered the issue nor the reality of their situation and are thus probably more emotional, reactionary, and...... less intelligent. I've known people like this and I bet you have too.

I'm not playing your game because it's not going to go anywhere. I gave you what you asked for. I'm not defining words you can look up within a few seconds yourself because you're not actually interested in that. I gave you a list of quotes, I gave you a video like you asked.

Stefan molyneux has argued in interviews IQ differences are innate. If you check one of the six sources on the wikipedia article attesting to his white supremacist views you'd see the quotes about it. Clicking on the words "white supremacist" there brings you to a wikipedia article that also gives you the definition that you are begging for for some reason:

"White supremacy or white supremacism is the racist belief that white people are superior to people of other races and therefore should be dominant over them."

You're being completely disingenuous. Facts don't let you mop the floor with people as you put it. You can just once again complain about 2 sources provided and ignore the rest. You can pretend you don't know the meanings of basic terms. You can pretend that no one can imply anything and only if someone blatantly says "I am a white supremacist and I believe whites are the superior race and all other races are lesser" do they qualify as a white supremacist.

I don't need a lecture from you about being intellectually dishonest.

Post limits aren't intellectually dishonest also? Not sure what you're going with that.

So called white supremacists.

White supremacists are the only shitty people.

The article itself says white supremacist beliefs and education level are positively correlated. It's a mistake to think that someone who is intelligent is naturally capable of making good or even ethical decisions.

Deriving good decisions from our surroundings is much too complex for our rational thought to be working on constantly. This is why we derive most of our decisions not from careful consideration but from experience, upbringing, instinct and our peers.

Given IQ statistics throw a pretty big spanner in the works of white supremacists by showing them that Ashkenazi Jews are the top of the average list, it's pretty hard to see how they're racist.


Who is the white supremacist?

Alt-right white nationalists lack self awareness, unfortunately.

What makes you think the number of white supremacists is small? The definition of "white supremacist" isn't "stupid looking shield in one hand and tiki torch in the other". Everybody who believes that African Americans are on average less intelligent than "white" people is, prima facie, a white supremacist; that's what the term means.

There's been an effort (online) in the last year to shift the semantics of the term, so that "white supremacists" might refer exclusively to performative white supremacists. That's pretty Orwellian, and there's no evidence it's catching on. I don't see a reason to dignify the effort. The term means what it obviously means.

My read of what you quoted: White supremacists may be eager to hurt people, but that doesn't translate to lethality.

(Nobody ever gave them credit for competence.)

White supremacist nonsense.

White supremacists aren’t normal

White supremacists ideas are dangerous ideas, always.

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