This has really become more of a religious argument than a science argument. Some people will never be convinced man made climate change is real. Others will never be convinced it isn't. The rest of the people don't care.
This needs more upvotes. Like creationism, global warming denial is one of the myths that has strong support on the 'developed' USA yet no basis in actual proof.
The thing is: this issue is vital to our survival (while creationism isn't)
Sometimes I wonder if people indeed believe climate change isn't real. I have difficulty imagining that there are so many that believe it's a myth.
Maybe what is more common is that people do believe climate change is real, but they also think it doesn't really matter in long run - because of maybe something like a black swan event or something - dont know. So they see all this as just fear mongering.
Hmmm... maybe I came across as someone who doesn't believe in human induced climate change.
That's not it at all. I'm pretty sure human induced climate change is happening. Not a denialist. Unlike those for instance who refuse to acknowledge so many climate change models have completely failed to mirror reality.
That's not an argument that deals with whether climate change is real or not – but whether it's reasonable to believe it is, based on one's own lack of understanding in combination with making (reasonable) assumptions.
Climate change deniers cannot be convinced by science because their objections are not based on any facts. The science on climate change is unimpeachable and has been known as such for decades.
At this point in time people who deny climate change is occurring are impervious to logic and reason. They are like people who deny evolution or the people who believe the Earth is around 10,000 years old. Nothing is going to convince them they are wrong.
It's too burdensome to ask that all articles about the detrimental effects of climate change present a proof of said claims. At some point in time it's pointless to engage in an endless reproving of claims that most sane people already believe in.