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Really doubt this. Instead I would look into the connection between anti depressants/anti psychotics and suicide. There's research of strong connections, but immunity is claimed by the drug companies, "because they were already depressed/mentally unhealthy when put on the drugs". Mental health professionals and managers at large drug companies need to start going to jail for over-prescribing psychiatric drugs.

The next big culprit is other drug addiction, like fentanyl and heroin. Stemming the flow of cheap fentanyl dumped into the United States by China and throwing doctors in jail who over prescribe these drugs would do wonders for people.

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This comment betrays a remarkable ignorance of mental illness. There is, in fact, a link between the commencement of a course of antidepressants and suicide, but to claim that "...mental illness is created as a result of these Big Pharma medicines" is to ignore a tremendous body of research.

Out of curiosity, how do you feel about vaccines?

A lot of people who commit suicide are typically on antidepressants and seeing therapists. Yet they never report this in the media. Antidepressants even carry a black box warning they can increase suicidal thinking.

Wouldn't surprise me if half the valley was on meds of some kind.

Psychiatry is mostly based on an unproven hypothesis of chemical imbalance in the brain. Of which there's no actual scientific evidence to back up this claim. In fact, studies have concluded antidepressants can cause imbalances where nonexisted before, and can cause severe life threatening withdrawals if you stop taking them suddenly.

Psychiatry is a pretty flawed practice in my opinion as well. I'm sure it helps some people, but it also does a lot of harm as well.

SSRI drugs (sold as 'anti-depressants') have always been known to cause suicide ideation... While they do seem to help some people, it is now known that this is because of the drugs' effects on the neurosteroids [1], NOT because of 'increased serotonin'. Anti-serotonin drugs (LSD, various MAOIs, etc) are much more effective anti-depressants.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroactive_steroid#Role_in_an...

There are some good articles in the Boston Globe's archives about Prozac, circa 2000. "Prozac, Revisited", etc [2]. Robert Whitaker [3] worked for the Boston Globe, before he wrote Mad in America and Anatomy of an Epidemic.

[2] http://www.narpa.org/prozac.revisited.htm (the boston globe's official archives site is not so easy to use, but I've previously verified that these stories exist)

[3] https://www.madinamerica.com/robert-whitaker-new/

The first patient in this BBC article could also have been diagnosed as 'exhausted':

> She had begun taking [SSRIs] while caring for her seriously ill mother and studying for her final exams at Cambridge University, but suffered severe side-effects after her GP prescribed a stronger dose of tablet. (emphasis added)

I think 'exhaustion' is a frequent cause behind the symptoms labeled "depression".

In May of this year, I watched Lexapro (an SSRI) destroy all the progress I'd made with my girlfriend... She'd asked for this drug a month after she'd escaped from her court-ordered tranquilization, because she thought it had helped her years ago. Really it just helped her relapse on cocaine then. This time it caused rapid heartbeat, and much anxiety. Her last benzodiazepine turned her into an anxious wreck... The psychiatrists got hold of her again, and they're making sure that she will never recover.

About a week ago I went through videos on my phone... and found one of my girlfriend about a week before she was taken to the hospital. The video proves, beyond any doubt, that she is not "persistently" disabled, that the symptoms that originally put her in the hospital were entirely due to quitting her addictions cold-turkey, and not due to 'defective genes' or other pseudo-scientific rationalization for forcing her to use palliative drugs.

So your argument is, if your claim is true - and if it's true in all cases or not - that those excess, unnecessary suicides, will happen within the first "few weeks" - and then that's acceptable to you that more people kill themselves on SSRIs (etc)?

And there are other options - far better, far less harmful options do indeed exist - but the medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex hasn't made them widely known or available because getting people dependant on (due to severe withdrawal in most cases, another thing they lied about; like how it was lied about the new opiates weren't addictive to get them mass prescribed) medications that are patented allows pharma to make an increasingly large recurring revenue stream; and who cares if X% of MORE people kill themselves than otherwise would have if you're now making many $ billions per month - and as a doctor all you need to do to "help" someone, and the only competency and knowledge you need, the most shallow complexity you need to understand, is to write a prescription for someone?

And then the other side of the coin is the increased homicide, and the responsibility that people they should take on if they want these medications available - on top of being in part responsible for the increased suicides - are all of the mass shooting deaths; let alone the increased ideology and antisocial behaviour we have in society could arguably be heavily influenced by these medications as well, and the widespread harm that causes to society.

>"Study author Dr John Read, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of East London, said: “Not only do antidepressants not reduce suicidality, but they also actually increase it for many, and for some they provide the mechanism for killing oneself.”

I would not be surprised, if these kinds of medications, will be also linked to the horrible mass murder events where the suicidal monster, who already pretty much decided to end their life, is just choosing who else to take with him/her.

True, the link between antidepressants and suicide is a current area of study.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4034101/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3353604/

In no way do I want to diminish how serious these drugs are. They can have a profound effect on a person's behavior that occurs in a very short period.

Finding a medication regimen that works for a person is a serious undertaking. It often takes years. A person may have to taper on and off dozens of different regimens to find a good effect while minimizing side effects. The constant personal changes a person experiences through this process can strain relationships, ruin careers and much worse.

It would be interesting to know how many people committing suicides were on SSRIs or antipsychotics, etc. at the time. These drugs are known to induce suicidal ideations (and ideations of violence, aggression, and homicide) and have carried black-box warnings. Sometimes, the cure is worse than the disease. Oh sorry, not a cure.

Some of the most commonly prescribed antidepression medications can in certain populations actually increase the risk of suicide.

In addition, if you look at the mass killings that have made the news, it seems that most of not all of them were on some type of antidepressant.

There may be a link that is worth exploring further, but there are some very strong interests that would be opposed.

"Over the years, thousands of people taking or withdrawing from Paxil or other psychiatric drugs have committed violent acts, including suicide, experts said, though no firm statistics are available. Because many factors could have contributed to that behavior, it is still far from clear who is at risk — and for whom the drugs are protective."[1]

So we have a case where thousands of people we're put at a big risk,with clearly illegal practices , and nobody is going to jail ? and on the other hand, no major systemic change has happened - like taking the responsibility for clinical testing , and drug advertising out of drug developer's hands ?

How will anybody learn ?


I couldn't agree with you more. Its sad that so many people have dismissed this possibility out of hand. Even the FDA agrees that there is a risk (which is why there are black box labels on antidepressants).

There are also many cases of drug companies going to court and losing over suicides and murder-suicides. Leaks during those trials have shown horrible cover ups such as Study 329.

The whole thing is really is too horrible to imagine. The idea that we could give drugs to people making them want to kill themselves, which I think is why so many people don't want to believe it could be true.

See also: Are Prozac And Other Psychiatric Drugs Causing The Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America


That's why big pharma fights cannabis so fiercely. Anti depressants could easily be replaced by selected cannabis strains - much cheaper and without terrible side effects anti depressants are known for. It should be recognised as a crime against humanity what those companies do and politicians who make it happen should be tried and given long sentences. This craziness has to stop!

That's quite a huge accusation, do you have any evidence to back that up at all?

Cause if I understand the implication correctly, you're basically saying that the 2-3 megacorps who control food production (which is already far from true, IMO) are literally poisoning people to cause them to need antidepressants.

I have the most critical eye towards psychiatry, but your claim about shootings being linked to previous antidepressant use would seem very difficult to prove true.

We would almost expect to see an antidepressants<>shootings correlation:

- mentally unwell people are given drugs

- mentally unwell people shoot other people.

That isn't causation.

The drug is licensed for people with treatment resistant depression. This group has significantly higher risk of death by suicide. I dislike speculating on causes of suicides, but if they've been told "here's this thing that appears to give relief from depression for people like you", and they try it, and it doesn't, I can see how that would further increase their risk.

While plausible, that paragraph is speculation; it's also plausible that antidepressants push some subgroup of patients toward suicidal ideation.

I'm unaware of any study that answers this question definitively, but I'm interested, so if anyone sees something useful, please chime in.

Or perhaps its just another round of hurting people being taken for a ride by massive pharma companies, and psychiatrists aren't thrilled about it.

Yes, but also some anti depressant medication causes suicidal thoughts and actions in some people.

(This isn't an argument against taking medication).

It's terribly disturbing.

I believe the majority of antidepressants like SSRIs, if not all of them, all have warnings that they increase suicidal ideation/suicide, higher than if given placebo. This part of the health industrial complex is perhaps the epitome, where when complex environmental factors are at play, however instead of those being addressed - in the person's life, in the family, in the society - we offer a little, relatively cheap pill and hope that will solve it (along perhaps with years of therapy). The system is broken, it's dis-eased, and it's self-perpetuating to maintain the status quo.


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