There is zero advice on what to do except vaccination in the article.
If you want to know what to do look at this video by a doctor treating people with covid.
There is a host of things you can do to stack the chances in your favor.
Note that this is not a direct quote. That bit about COVID-19 appears in a big paragraph about what to do if you’re sick or injured. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a shared boilerplate across lots of government websites about emergencies. This whole page mentions COVID-19 a few times but really isn’t as ludicrous or reminiscent of satire as people here are making it out to be.
No, what's silly is filling people's heads with rubbish about COVID in case of a nuclear disaster or other acute emergency.
Hand sanitizer is absolutely not the right thing to be concerned with. Masks perhaps, but not for COVID.
Storing clean water, minimizing your perishable food waste, securing your house/shelter and making makeshift repairs to damage, using a radio (e.g., from your car) to listen for information, etc., keeping a basic first aid kit around and understand basic wound management, are all far more important.
Social distancing because of covid comes in at around number 32,238 of things to worry about.
I think it’s an article targeted at laypeople, many of whom consider COVID to be a respiratory disease like the flu. It’s simply spreading awareness of the fact that it’s more complicated than that.
The whole point of the covid measures was/is not to avoid getting covid, but to slow it down. Because if everyone is sick at the same time, it's extremely bad.
There is a balance to find between living the rest of your life with a mask and refusing to help slowing the pandemic down by doing a small effort, because YOLO. But that's far from being globally understood.
> Please do not go out and about if you have symptoms.
This is hardly a rule that anyone follows, unless symptoms are severe. That's one of the reasons COVID spreads more widely than the flu - mild symptoms don't make anyone change behavior.