There were (and continue to be) connectivity issues due to a subset of the fiber links having trouble. But that’s different from being “down”, it’s “just” an outage. We won’t declare the outage over until the impact is minimal.
No doubt there are many complex systems and they inevitably go down. Every provider has suffered meaningful outages.
I think the issue here isn’t so much that the system went down but the blog post.
It’s very light on details and doesn’t go far enough in terms of re-establishing trust with the customers that were affected. Which by the looks of it is everyone attempting any trade most of the day on Monday.
Absolutely. Consumer and enterprise alike, EFTPOS, internet, landlines, mobiles, roaming, all down. Hospitals and train networks heavily impacted as well.
I placed a few orders this morning. They appeared to go through, but didn't show up in my order list until this evening. Good thing I made the connection to the outage before I decided to try re-ordering! Sounds like others weren't so lucky.
It seems the outages have been isolated to specific instances. Not everyone is having problems but a significant amount of customers have been "down" for multiple days.
I saw some disruptions in services that people in my household rely on, but I think that is because of disruptions in DCs located in NYC and not FiOS itself.
Customers of all sizes were affected. We are very sorry for this and are working extremely hard to ensure that our network is completely stable moving forward so that all customers experience 100% uptime.