So long, DDG. Censorship before they even gained enough momentum to get users to stick will undoubtedly be the beginning of the end for them. Looking forward to the next Google competitor. Eventually, someone will get it right.
I think it went GA about 18 months ago, but I was being facetious more than anything. I just dont use Google products beyond maps, android and search when DDG doesnt do it for me these days. Can't trust that 1) it will still be around in a year or 2) they change the core product so much its unusable 3) can depend on any level of customer support for it
I was hoping to have some time to transition off the platform before this went through. Any idea when the official "Google actually owns it" point will be?
At some point Google will ask themselves why they are spending money on running Google Groups in the first place. They may just decide to pull the plug.