OpenStep supported four processor architectures before it got ported to PowerPC, and used to support "quad fat binaries" that would run seamlessly on all four architectures.
I have had a tough time emulating even OpenStep on x86, excited to see NeXT attempt to be run semi-natively. It is still one of my favourite architectures and members of the home server farm. Looking forward to seeing where this ends up.
I hope that some day ppc64{le,be} get there soon. Would love to use openpower based completly open systems. Atleast for the time-being only OpenPower matches or beats the performance profiles of x86_64.
> amusingly the executables i built 15 years ago still run on current gnu/linux; not sure if that would be true for things linked with libx11 and libxext, certainly not libgtk
win32 is how you write software you want to run forever thanks to the large user base.
I'm hoping for a wine cosmopolitan binary that would render to sixels: that would run on about everything, with qemu ensuring it keeps working if/when arm64 or mips64 take over amd64
That specific chip I linked to the article about has the ability to run x86 code via translation and they claim it can run Windows. Guess that solves the chicken and egg issue, but the biggest problem is who would be willing to fab it for them, sad that politics and war interrupted this.
Any of them MIPS or SPARC? Or how about something a little more exotic?
How is it everyone is overlooking that I'm talking about CPU architectures?
Seriously what's with people these days just playing on a few x86 PCs and maybe a raspberry Pi and then making bold claims their distro x runs on everything. Lets talk about some real niche platforms that are non-trivial to port software to please.