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Just as much? Mental health crises are exacerbated by desperate conditions like not having a home. The two are linked and keeping someone with bipolar disorder who has just lost their job from ending up on the street in the first place would head off a lot of cases of individuals going off the deep end in the face of despair and nowhere to go.

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Yea, it is almost certainly more desperation. If you give someone a stable home, food, power, etc - they will find their own thing to do. It is when you owe thousands in debt, have no income, lost your car, are losing your house, etc that you become depressed and desperate enough to self harm.

I mean, you can have people who have huge downs immediately after losing a job, but someone who has just left unemployment compensation would not be considering suicide if they weren't losing everything.

How do you know people don't become mentally ill or homeless after losing their home and their life spiralling out of control? Or perhaps that if you have a support structure you can manage mental illness?

If you don't have money or friends, what group housing would you find?

Why would you move to a different city, away from everyone you know, if you don't have a job to pay bills?

All of these things interact and affect one another. Say you're living in some common marginal situation working a low-wage job with high rent. Some event happens where suddenly you require a few hundred dollars, nothing serious for most of us here but the sort of thing that happens every year or two - maybe your ancient car you have to use to commute to your job conks out, maybe you have a common medical issue requiring care and time off work, maybe your dental work can no longer be ignored, maybe you need an abortion because the idea of having a child in this situation is too ridiculous to even consider. This shock makes you short on rent. Maybe you're able to recover the next month, but maybe not. Ideally you have family you can fall back on. If not, now you're homeless.

Without housing it is massively more difficult and time-consuming to perform basic maintenance acts like showering, shaving, defecating, or feeding yourself. Think of any camping trip you've gone on. It's easy to start slipping at your job and you're much more likely to be fired. But say you really hustle and actually keep your job, like many unhoused people.

Without a safe place to retreat to & relax, without a quiet place to sleep undisturbed by cars roaring by, you enter a spiral. Your mental health, already not great after years of stress associated with your marginal financial situation, decreases markedly and then drops off a cliff. You become deeply depressed or are unlucky enough to finally trigger more serious mental health disorders that have been lurking, waiting for the chance to rear their heads. It's very easy to stop showing up for your job here, but you still manage to put yourself together and drag yourself over there pretty well. Your coworkers start to complain about the way you smell. Your physical health begins to deteriorate.

At any stage of this process your plunge could have been arrested by a supportive family. And at any stage in this process your plunge could have been massively accelerated by the introduction of drug use. Once mental health starts to go, self-medicating seems more and more appealing. Few joys are left available to you. For most unhoused people, it's only a matter of time.

Once you are addicted to drugs all of the difficulties enumerated above are multiplied. It is extremely difficult to kick drugs in the best of times (how many of us know of some well-off family with a black sheep child who has been to family-funded rehab nearly double-digit times?) and now there is basically no incentive nor ability to do so. Mental health issues are also extremely difficult to heal. Many of us here have been depressed and understand how difficult it is to recover even in good economic circumstances.

The absolute best you can hope for upon escaping all of this is to return to a marginal low-wage high-rent existence doing its best to kick you back down the cycle.

The #1 takeaway here is that people like to talk about homeless people with mental health or drug addiction issues, and it is impossible not to admit the simple truth - their recovery is impossible without being given housing. A safe place to retreat, rest, and convalesce.

You have crisis in anything that people have to have, like housing, medicine, medical care, etc.

A person without a job is more likely to be depressed, even if they don't need the job to pay their bills i.e. Rich people.

That I changed your perspective, well thank you for saying that, because, well, just because.

I just cannot explain the difficulty. First with working. My mood disorder throws me into instability that is catastrophic. I was an accomplished photographer (published) and was selling photographs locally making some extra money. I had an episode where I destroyed thousands of my black and white negatives. Years of work, gone.

I could move to the middle of nowhere and afford an apartment for say $700/month (if they rent it to me), but then I will not have healthcare. The places I can have healthcare, I cannot even afford a small studio never mind the first, last and despot needed to get the apartment. And many of these apartments have minimum income requirements that I am nowhere close to. And then it means I have to move away from the already meager social support I do have.

Then when I am paying 60% of my income in rent, how doing I afford my car, meds, doctors, heat, etc?

There are just so many roadblocks that people do not appreciate. As I said I had four homeless agencies trying to help me find housing and they could not help me, so it was not a lack of trying.

And renting a room is impossible. How many of you would share a house with someone you did not know who was on disability with a mental illness? I would not want to even put someone through living with my suffering if they did not know what they were getting into.

I have just turned 55 so I am lucky that more option are opening, but there is so much competition for low income housing.

How different are they though, really? How many paychecks could the average person miss and still afford their mortgage or rent?

What would happen to you if you became mentally ill and didn't have family or friends to take care of you?

If, for whatever reason, you had no apartment or home to stay in and actually had to sleep in a box without a shower, shave, or change of clothes, would you become dangerous? Or just unshaven and smelly?

Lack of money on the other hand can both cause mental issues and make dealing with them harder if not impossible.

It is hard to determine which is needed more, as a home has costs, loosing a job leads usually loosing a home. I believe both are equally important, and this is kind of a snake biting its own tail problem, as without a home it is very hard to get a job. (Although I can imagine someone living in a car temporarily in mild weather conditions, it would be impossible to survive a winter that way here in Central Europe)

Hopefully this opportunity will help those in need.

Yeah- the threat is very real for people underwater on their mortages, with huge student loans, or about to put kids through college. It definitely is an awful position to be in, but a lot of people are forced to do this to make ends meet. It's not just psychological disorder.

Desperate people are more willing to put up with unsafe or abusive conditions that could lead to disablement.

The emotional stress of not having food and shelter is worse?

For instance it could be the result of ptsd from being in Iraq. Or Vietnam. Or Afghanistan. Where is the support for veterans?

It could be mental health - if you can’t afford healthcare you may not be able keep a job. Once you don’t have a job you very quickly end up homeless. Now you don’t have a home, how do you possibly get treatment or a job? Eventually you are arrested and go to jail, where you can get treatment but now you’re an excon so can’t get a job so end up homeless without treatment.

You were kicked out of your home when you came out as a teenager - you’re homeless, may not have even finished school, and many jobs these days have minimum age rules. So now you’re stuck unless you’re one of the lucky few who manages to get support and a home before drugs and alcohol become the only “escape”

Same as above but you’re a kid abused by a family member, foster family, ...

Note how all of these paths eventually put you in a position where you cannot escape homelessness. You cannot get healthcare or a job without somewhere to live unless you’re very lucky.

So instead you end up cycling through prison, which in just a small amount of time costs much more than covering the cost of housing in the first place.

There is a form of #2 (a poverty trap) that afflicts people in category #1.

This is probably the most easily "treatable" condition.

Basically, you can be smart and motivated, but not have the resources (family, friends, money) to pull yourself together. You may not even have a computer, a car, or a house. You can't shave, let alone get a clean set of clothes or transport to an interview. You can't put together a resume and so on.

This is sad because a few months of housing, internet, food, and basically time support could turn this person's life around.

Of course, people who have mental illness or have paid their due for a crime and so on also deserve help. I am not arguing they don't.

I just mean that it costs so little for so much good in the former case.

When you are broke, live on the street (which is a very tough life everywhere in the world), and possibly fight with mental illness or addiction, moving to a more affordable place (which will still be unaffordable for you, esp. in California) won't magically solve your problems. Without the right support, it will be difficult to find your way back to a normal life.

40% of American's cannot afford a $400 emergency. For those without a family / friend support system something as simple as a car accident, hospital stay or losing their job could quickly lead to living on the street. I think the vulnerability of low income people is very underestimated for those who don't have a safety structure such as family etc.

Your ability to get back on track is hugely determined by your circumstances. If you're the child of a wealthy white family, you probably have the connections to get a decent job even with some gaps on your resume and a couple of drug convictions. If you're a poor black kid? Forget about it. Recovering from a mental health crisis is vastly easier if you have the financial resources and the family support to avoid homelessness and access prompt and effective treatment.

Wealth and privilege buy you (and your children) a lot of safety nets and a lot of second chances. People without those advantages are often in an incredibly precarious situation, just one tough break or one bad decision away from total ruin.

It doesn’t just boil down to affordability, but how many people got down in the dumps struggling to afford their expensive apartment, got stressed out and depressed, caused relationship issues and drug use, and led to a downward spiral where they ended up in a place with severe mental illness and couldn’t function with free keys after 5 years of that?

fair point, no income => depression

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