Thanks! Maybe the market maker I worked for was atypical. We definitely had opinions on where the market was going and made good money from that, especially in times of high volatility.
I also worked in the space, with Morgan Stanley’s options market making desk. It was all very sane. I’ve heard some of the prop shops and hedge funds can be crazy but not all are like that.
Yeah! By the end of my time on the team, checking the news when I saw a rapid change in traffic was second nature. And later on in my career becoming interested in markets, even more so. Forex in particular - markets with trillions in daily liquidity don't take huge leaps unless something huge happened.
I remember being surprised at it going very well at the time. I don't know if that was accurate, but I can imagine not having the public markets constantly pressuring to be a big benefit.
I had an internship in an investment company, the devs were in the same open space as the traders… At least it calmed down once the market were closed.