So the site has to allow script tags for this to work? If that's the case, then you could simply put the code in the script tag and not have to mess around inserting it into a gif.
There is no need for JS on a site like this. The ajax upvote is convenient but they could (unconveniently) reload the whole page and set the location with an anchor to go back to the upvoted comment, 1994 style. Any real time notification system requires a backend infrastructure that maybe they don't want to have.
They could also use a better CSS but who cares, text is king in this kind of sites. It displays quite well on mobile too, especially with Opera which reflows text after zoom (the very reason for using Opera).
I might be wrong, but I think he meant that JS runs, a new http request is made, when you hover over the logo. (Which is close to the back button, so it seems like JS is running, when you hover over the back button.)
Personally I think this solution is simpler and easier to implement than using js. This isn't really an abuse. This seems exactly what these tags were intended for