I'll load the URL directly either in mpv (desktop or Mobile via Termux), or VLC.
Fuck YouTube entirely.
The pain of using the Web interface is precisely the point, as someone's KPIs are steering users to apps. That's succeeding, though it's not YT's apps which are substituting....
I still miss the mps-yt app, though I'd found an alternative recently, yewtube (still need to try it out).
This is why I always use `mpv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...` instead of clicking on Youtube links. It bypasses all the Javascript and plays the raw video stream. (youtube-dl needs to be installed.)
there are browser addons that directly pass the current site's URL to mpv, which in turn uses youtube-dl to fetch the contents. so it's pretty much 1-click playback.
If you have mpv and youtube-dl, you can just `mpv http://youtube.com/whatever` and it'll play. Much better performance than anything in browser from my experience.
I just have a keybinding for `mpv $(xsel -o)` which plays whatever url I have in my clipboard in mpv.
Yes, I have a browser plugin to open youtube links in mpv, but it's been unusable recently with constant buffering. I dont even fetch them at best quality.
Or mpv (for single videos, or local playlists), or mps-youtube, or youtube-dl.