You are intentionally ignoring my point about how the symbolic nature itself is evil. It is unconscionable to have a monarchy as a symbol of a country! A monarchy is an affront to human decency; it's absurd.
And I do not agree with your assessment that the king has no real power. A gentleman's agreement not to be a tyrant is not even close to good enough. I don't dispute it would cause lots of drama if the king tried to defy government, but he can do it. The guy is allowed to murder anyone he wants, he has full immunity from criminal prosecution! Is that a symbol worth protecting? No. It should be torn down and cast out.
Any respectable modern system of governance would not want even a whiff of an impression that it was led by a bloodline of kings. Yet, the UK and Commonwealth countries lean into it. A crown is a symbol of oppression. It's disgusting.
The "King" in front of his name definitely proves that either it or the wealth that was used to acquire it was ill-gotten. All power and wealth of royalty was taken by force.
You just proved yourself incorrect by picking a year when there was no king, completely invalidating "a single name, everything else is completely useless".
Tradition has it that it was Kings that stole his head. After all, Kings was founded as a religious alternative to "that godless institution on Gower Street". UCL: proudly secular since 1826.
I think an institution of monarchy fundamentally can’t survive tabloid journalism. Someone like QEII, who preceded it, could have the advantage of adapting to it as it developed. But people like William were targets since childhood. Every youthful indiscretion was covered. They’ve lived their whole life in a fishbowl. You can’t come out of that with the necessary level of mystique and gravitas it takes to be regarded as a divinely enshrined national mascot.
Mostly referring to absolute/mixed monarchies like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Morocco, and of course the very worst of them all, the Vatican.
Not a coronation fan myself but glad you enjoyed! I did like the pic where he was sitting in a chair (…throne?) holding two very goofy looking scepters, tho admittedly there was an element of ironic enjoyment there lol