Ahh, I did an Algolia search just now and found the 2019 post[0] but thought that felt a bit recent for what I remember. I can't find that 2014 post, however - do you have a link?
The bottom line is that occasionally having to stop and work a little acts as a speed bump that slows down the usual internet reflexes, making reflective responses a bit more likely. Reflective responses are what we're hoping for here.
If you introspect a bit you can catch yourself getting irritably impatient at having to take 5 seconds rather than half a second to process something on the internet. That's the reflex I'm talking about. The problem is that in that mode our responses are automatic, therefore predictable, therefore uninteresting.
Sorry if I didn't make it clear, the search I have done was on hn.algolia.com. I really don't want to bother the community, but I feel that my search keywords didn't match the target. Anyway, thanks for the tips!