What would be your risk threshold (hypothetically speaking, if we could know it) that would make it for you a no-brainer to just take the vaccine assuming that you taking it would encourage other people who do fall in a higher risk bracket to also take it?
Would 0.0001% risk be acceptable for you, hypothetically, as a civic duty?
Risk of getting the vaccine has to be measured against risk of not getting the vaccine, which obviously seems much higher to me. You can’t just talk about risk in a vacuum.
If the authorities in my state encourage my population (20s, male, low BMI) to take the vaccine, I’ll take the vaccine.
It’s a risk, sure. But the older people have borne the risk so far. I can’t speak for other young people but I feel personal responsibility to take it ASAP.
I'm pro vax. I think this vaccine is worth the risk but this is the highest risk vaccine we've had in a long time and that part of the equation is getting swept under the rug.
As others have said, there is more risk than just death. I don't really want more of a chance to have a poor quality of life for the rest of my life.
The vaccine greatly reduces the chances that I have any of these things. Or heck, it even greatly reduces the chance that I'll have a week or two of misery.
Perhaps individuals should have a say as to which risk is preferable to them. As it is, the antivaxxer gets to choose not get vaccinated, but the provaxxer must wait for someone elses approval.
There is risk in both the virus and the vaccine. And the vaccine is a statistically safer bet, although I’m sure specific biological/genetic factors can alter this calculation.
So after initially saying there's no way I'd take a vaccine that has been rushed to market I'm now thinking that, as a middle aged male with no kids, I sort of have a duty to take the risk. I suppose the vaccines will go to higher risk groups and front line medical staff first, but once they're available I'm signing up.