Thank you for this! I love Alan Watts too. Recently I've started listening to "chillstep" mixes of his talks on youtube (while doing yoga/meditating). They're really fantastic. Eg.
Alan watts' writing is exemplary. The thing I like about his writing is that it's written with an outsider's perspective and critical thinking is never discarded unlike most other books on eastern philosophy. I highly recommend his book "The Joyous Cosmology" where he talks about psychedelic experiences and their effects on spirituality.
Thank you. Not familiar with this lecture, but I love how eloquent Alan Watts was
And it’s also great that he credits a lot of his insights to ancient Asian cultures. Essentially explaining that naturally, humans rediscover the nature of the universe, without the need for any special or modern technology, but rather through direct experience of the world
Really appreciate your phrasing - I feel the same way about Anthony Bourdain's material (while on a very different matter) - has convinced me to check out some more Alan Watts.
What would you recommend to read more about the Alan Watts topics you reference?