Twitter is literally cancer. I'm genuienly scared of it - why would you go and share your opinion on it, if it can literally result in waking up the next day to find out you've been fired for your job and millions of people are talking about how awful human being you are, because someone read something out of context. It's just far too much risk to be yourself on it and write what you think - it can only lead to bad things.
Twitter is THE social media I am not able to use without letting it affect my mental health. Anytime I logged into Twitter, I came out more angry, bitter and outraged. It's like the whole platform is built around hot takes, dunking, bullying, and outrage. It always baffles me how mainstream media never utters a word how toxic Twitter is.
tbf people on twitter are fucking insane. there is no middle ground for them, just hate or love. and they always need to have an opinion on everything. its probably the most toxic website i have ever experienced. people on it are treated like the average person when they represent such a massive niche. basically we should purge twitter and other social media sites.
Twitter is a toxic clown party lama joust. It's nothing but a means for millions of narcissistic people to decorate themselves with signifier quotes and feel-good platitudes. twitter is where progressives go to sniff each others farts... So good for Elon for charging them 8 dollars a month for their little blue checks. What an embarrassment to my generation twitter is and it makes me ashamed that people in my industry created such a heinous (platform).
I learned a while back that twitter is a sludge fest in the abscess of the internet. Any meaningful commentary is drowned out by a deluge of downright bafoonery and willingful ignorance.