Nice! Pretty interesting syntax. Not sure about / for comments or the function argument syntax but you have a solid point about not using " or ' for strings!
I started using ? as the leader (I don't do reverse searches). The other options (, \) always get in the way while programming. I might try the backtick, but it means that programming in languages that use backticks (Rust, I think) would be a pain.
Don't make language features that use three-dot-ellipsis as a keyword. Just like don't make a language where "Hello world" is a special string with special significance, or where variables named foo, bar, baz, quux, or i have special meaning.
I mean, it's nobody's fault but your own if you make a language feature that breaks industry conventions.
To slightly elaborate on yccs27's good answer, at the moment, you can use ? for both Option<T> and Result<T, E>, but you can only use them in functions that return the same type, that is
if you have them mixed in the body, they won't work directly. What you should/can do there depends on specifics. For example, if you have a function that returns Option and you have a Result inside, and you want any E to turn into None, you can add .ok() before the ? and then it still looks nice. (The compiler will even suggest this one!)