Thanks for the tip. Everything I read about Rust sounds really good, BUT, I've yet to download it and write Hello World, so not sure how painful it is in practice.
Glad to help! I am a huge huge fan of Rust. I'm almost always hanging out on ##rust and ##rust-beginners on Freenode if you want to ask questions synchronously. :)
Man, I really didn't expect all those nice and thoughtful responses. Thank you so much for everyone who replied it. It was really kind of you.
Now I have a much better idea on what Rust was designed for and its strenghts. I've learnt so much here. Also thanks for the articles and videos you shared, I'll definitely take a look at them all.
I'm glad I didn't let the fear of been bashed to keep me away of asking. I'm not sure if I'll ever need to use Rust but it surely has the coolest people around it. :) Thank you guys!
Thanks for all your hardwork! I've been dabbling in Rust and doing toy projects, but have years of experience in other languages. Are there any rust projects you recommend contributing to that have a good community?
We're expanding our use of Rust into even more bold endeavours, details soon.
Based on our experience with it in the last 1.5 years, stick with it, it will return your effort many times over in the medium-long run. Then again, if there is no medium-long run for your project (as an entity needing maintenance), just use Python.