Replying since I can’t edit my other post. I didn’t downvote you, I just let you know that you were very likely wrong and that may have been the source of downvotes. I presumed it was a statement made in good faith and was going to be corrected in short order and it has.
It’s the original source of the mistake that should feel bad as they’re supposed to be experts in the field.
I don't think the downvotes here are fair given the corrections this person has received. These misconceptions are wildly common. I'm sure 90% of the downvoters couldn't even accurately identify this stuff.
Thank you for the clarification! I've been consistently downvoted on this issue in the past, and always assumed it was an expression of disagreement, rather than being due to an error on my part.
I didn't downvote, but I'd guess that they (a) want an authoritative reference to the story you're sharing, or (b) figure the point is moot because these errors still happen, even if less often than depicted by the study, and that ought to be enough to justify using ECC.
The 'misreads' are usually dead ends to discussion unless qualified back to original topic. I would not consider downvotes here personal, they simply steer the conversation to remain on track.
I was not one of the downvoters, but I was not surprised to see the downvotes. I can't figure out in what way that comment added to the discussion. "I am assuming he was Doing It Wrong" with no additional commentary on what this affects or the implications therein. Regardless of the truth of the comment, it just doesn't seem to be a very useful one.