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Added! http://userstyles.org/styles/46180/georgify-for-hacker-news

Please note this has a fixed width issue in Chrome. Works fine in Firefox. So I would recommend Chrome extension for chrome users and Stylish for FF

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Likewise: another stylesheet overload for Hacker News is Readable HN - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/readable-hn/jpnbja...

I believe this is the stylesheet: https://github.com/Primigenus/Cleaner-Hacker-News.

My Hacker News looks like this:

http://cl.ly/image/1e061p3Q2U0U http://cl.ly/image/0B1s3m1R1b1Y

I'm using a custom stylesheet, which you can find here:



I forked this from something somebody posted here a while ago, but I cannot remember it. If anybody knows the source, I'd be more than happy to throw a comment in there for credit.

Looks like everyone has their own hn design. :) Here is mine: https://github.com/bjourne/readable-userstyles/blob/master/h... It's a user stylesheet so you need the Stylish plugin to use it.


I haven't set up a style for google reader (yet) but Stylish extension for Firefox does a good job letting me customize sites. I don't use it on every site, but places I view regularly I tweak.

I have a style for news.yc http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3085416

Aesthetic changes like this seem better suited to being Stylish[1] layouts or Greasemonkey[2] scripts, rather than full-blown extensions.

A quick userscripts.org search for Hacker News reinforces this: http://userscripts.org/search?cref=http%3A%2F%2Fuserscripts....

[1] http://userstyles.org/stylish/

[2] http://www.greasespot.net/

I use Stylus [1] with the Hacker News Gray style [2].

[1] https://add0n.com/stylus.html

[2] https://userstyles.org/styles/151862/hacker-news-gray

I realize this kind of defeats the purpose, but I applied just a tiny bit of CSS (and Open Sans) to make it look slightly better. Here's the userstyle in the hope it's useful to some:


Indeed. Appears the "stylish" extension and/or https://userstyles.org would be a natural fit for this?

I use a Chrome extension called georgify [1]. It makes the site better looking by changing the typography via CSS.

[1] https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/georgify/ofjfdfale...

Is stylish available for Chrome?

Because then you could do it cross-browser with Firefox.

In fact it looks like some folk have been busy:


This is why I use StyleBot! I don't customize every page I visit, but it makes a huge difference for sites I view regularly.

Here's my custom Hacker News style: https://i.imgur.com/KbP5VAX.png

And Craigslist: https://i.imgur.com/uTyST6P.png

Maybe you could play with Custom.css ? http://hackerne.ws/item?id=3878589

I created a stylesheet to remove the censorship for the viewer. https://userstyles.org/styles/190934/hacker-news-top-comment...

I created an Engadget style, in case someone is interested https://github.com/mrpollo/engadget-user-style

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