I'll have "cannot immediately use shiny new thing from faceless soulless tech giant" over "have to live under constant threat of identity theft and personal info leak" any day of the week, thank you.
I have zero sympathy for these guys, nor for anyone else running their business on free tier infrastructure. This is the kind of customer nobody needs.
While this does seem like a heartfelt apology from the CEO, this incident is a reminder of how much of our privacy we willingly hand over to companies and how much power they wield over us. It is immensely disturbing.
As a customer, I don't want / care about protection and I will never trust an online platform, regardless of what your bureaucrats are promising to do.
As a small business, that is just an extra pile of regulations and pain I need to deal with that previous competitors didn't have.
I have absolutely zero respect for tech companies who wantonly and shamelessly break the laws and abuse their workers in the name of "disruption". They give the industry a bad name.
As such, I honestly cannot wait to see this company go out of business.
If we're lucky, they will take a large swathe of the "gig economy" with them when they finally die.
If their business model is poor, it's not up to me to compensate them by dealing with their obnoxious, psycholigically manipulative, bandwidth hogging, performance-crippling, potential malware attack vector ads.
Yeah, i'm no longer a customer of theirs due to this decision.
I can't think of a worse cadre of people than the Bush administration to involve in my own personal matters of privacy.
While I would never hope for the dissolution of a company just because I dislike their tactics, I do hope that this decision they made affects their bottom line enough to let them notice it as a mistake.
Even my own content has probably been used by them, against my wishes. I see it as unethical data usage. Additionally, the ethics of the company's history, changing to become entirely 'closed' while even keeping the name "OpenAI", makes me... angry, I suppose is the right word. Intuitively it seems to me that they will have a very bad influence on the world if they maintain dominance and continue to gain power
I’ve already left. They doubled down on it straight away. Then wheeled out Craig to tell us lies. They’re not on my side. I don’t have to be their customer.
The dangerous part is they have advertised this capability. Now regimes may make that a prerequisite for allowing them to do business.
Cat’s out of bag. Ain’t going back in now. We have to reevaluate any data that we do not control ourselves or control access to now.
Ironically this isn’t the world I want for my kids.
They steal your data without telling you (complex legal verbiage on multi-pay TOS's is not a justification). After they steal your data, they push you advertisements that are devoid of morality. Even if I buy their service, I cannot go to their home page without them pushing violence, animal abuse, drug use, provocative sex, biased politics, etc. Even if I buy their service, I must expect they are funneling my data in terrible ways. Even if I follow all the rules, the service continues to abuse me.
How so? I genuinely don't have facebook or linkedin, I genuinely don't want to record a video (in english lol wtf?) with my personal details and I'll genuinely not use them ever if they start doing that to international customers.
They think they're unique but their business model is trivial to reproduce once they have alienated half of their audience.