> No; we should single them out in this thread. Because this thread is about them.
Amen! In my experience, on articles critical of China, 90% of the comments are deflections about the West. Here's one thread that's easy to count [1]. 9/10 comments talk about how the West does it too
The top comment criticizes China, I'm not really sure that what you say is accurate. There's much to criticize about China, but we westerners are in a really bad place to do so, lest we want to sound either condescending or hypocritical.
It's actually the opposite. Every comment not critical of China gets downvoted quickly.
Proof: comments on this article and other articles critical of China, remotely or overtly.
This site is American and thus patriotism plays a heavy role in the bias of comments. Usually, China is by default viewed in a negative light.
It blinds people to the obvious fact that the US is heavily using anti free market tactics to end globalism while China is not acting as the aggressor here.
> Whenver there is any negative story about china, the downvotes happen immediately and "defends of the honor of china" pop up magically throwing dirt everywhere.
Maybe a little, but the main thing I see in stories like that is dozens of comments that that derail the comments into a "the US is just as bad!" flame-war, and kill discussion of the negative story.
It's really effective, because Western users are often ignorant of China and/or indifferent to it, but will happily jump into a flame-war about Western countries when presented with the bait.
And there are a dozen similar comments elsewhere in the threads, that contribute equally much (or little), that are not downvoted. I want to know what the difference is. Is it the mention of China?
As an aside, if you look at that person's comment history, pretty much every comment they've made is about China and defending China. An odd focus for a hackernews account.
Some of these comments are... weird. Multiple accounts with broken English defending China and bringing up African Americans (somewhat irrelevantly) in every argument. I'll leave the speculation as an exercise for the reader.
And only China.