I agree. Early in my career, I thought a manager was like a driving teacher, someone to help guide you and hit the brake when you're about to crash. Now that I'm a manager, I think of it more like being a snowplow; you wake up in the morning and you can get your job done thanks to the work that someone else is doing behind the scenes.
Indeed. I did not have a ~great~ manager until my 3rd or 4th job, and if I had known people like that existed before I certainly would not have stayed as long in some of the earlier jobs.
My first reaction was to disagree, but then I tried to remember the embodiment of 'not-ideal' manager and, in my mind at least, they are basically everything I am not, or at least not want to be.
I used to never want to be a manager. Now I'd rather be a manager than have someone incompetent and new tell me what to do. I think this is a common trope.
I used to think that then I burnt out. When the manager does nothing but the crap, the manager is going to leave. The proper way is to distribute the crap evenly.