Not sure if it’s different now, but older models activated Lane Keeping Assist at 45mph and keeps lanes down to 40, and always seems to be just out of reach of usefulness in the city, perhaps by design.
LKA is just that, an assist, because if you let it drive it’ll bounce back and forth between the lane markers, not keep you seemingly centered.
HDA1 is more robust Lane Keep Assist that takes into account mapped highway curves and adjusts speed and steering accordingly. The car might as well be on rails.
I haven’t had issues with vanilla LKA on a non-HDA mapped road other than expected problems where lane markings or shoulders are unclear.
Perhaps grandparent poster has a misaligned camera on their vehicle.
As someone else here wrote: until I tried a good L2 system. ACC and LKA are pure value adds. Lower the number of moments where your focus snaps back in as you are meandering out of the lane or creeping up on the person in front of you.
I thought the same until I tried a good L2 system. ACC and LKA are pure value adds. Lower the number of moments where your focus snaps back in as you are meandering out of the lane or creeping up on the person in front of you.
The Ford system is the only LKA I have experience with. It has me drive but warns and intervenes when I get close to the line without signalling. Before it nudges the steering it shakes the wheel and it feels just like rolling over a rumble strip.
In cases where I do legitimately get distracted and start to drift that rumble snaps me back to driving before things go awry.
False positives almost completely come from changing lanes or exiting the highway without signaling. The rumble strip feeling and then the steering input isn't strong enough to prevent the lane change but does give me that reminded to signal next time.
The nudge is strong enough to keep the car in lane but no one in their right mind would let the car go down the road bouncing off the lines like this.
To me there's no question that I'm driving. I stay engaged and alert without every having to be monitored and nagged. It helps me when I slip but doesn't make me complacent.
With a Lane Centering systems the car is doing all of the subtle corrections. I don't feel like I'm driving and I totally drift off. I feel much more checked out and thinking about it after the fact I feel much less safe over time.
>Recently, I bought a newer Subaru, with EyeSight. It has adaptive cruise and lane keep assist. The LKA is fine - it'll beep if you sway outside of a lane, and automatically adjusts the steering, but it won't keep you centered. It's more of a safety thing, and it works well from that perspective.
I have 2020 Subaru and it has lane centering on top of that. On the highway, with clear lane markings it comes very close to driving itself. It won't slow down to handle curves on its on though.
Well, LKA would actually help to stay in lane while drunk, no?
That thing has a good default that is still overridable by the brute force (force that's less than the force needed to steer if the power assist fails altogether).
My car has level 2 (ACC with steering) and I've found that the whole process is extremely stressful and hard for me. Initial problem was that I did not trust the car to actively steer, brake and accelerate while keeping me centered in the lane.
After a while that wore off but you still had to be hyper vigilant as the system can "fail" at any moment and you need to be in control immediately. I find it harder to do than regular driving as in level 2 you need to "drive" and pay attention to whether the system has stopped working properly or not.
It's an incredibly frustrating. I'm surprised people buy cars just for this capability. I love safety systems but this is just a disaster waiting to happen.
ACC and LKAS on our 2019 Honda is so awful I simply can't use it.
When someone crosses 3 lanes in front of me ACC will hit the brakes hard to maintain the correct distance. It's jolting and scary.
LKAS only sees about 80% of the lanes. Rather than just driving like normal which I'm experienced with I have to sit there paranoid that something will go wrong and I'll need to react to a surprise event.
I don't know if it's the idea or the just the implementation that I hate. Am considering
Car engineers know what level 1-5 is. Level 1 and 2 are basic assist - cruise control and the like. Level 3 is the car drives but the driver monitors everything for issues the car can't detect. 4 and 5 are you can go to sleep, 4 means there are some situations the car will wake you up and after you get a coffee (ie there is no need for instant take over) you drive, while 5 is the car will drive anything.
I love ACC in my 2020 accord (which is the same generation as your 2019). I've never had it hit the brakes hard enough to be jolting, even when a car changes into my lane.
The LKAS is hit and miss, like you said, unless the lines are very clearly visible, it can't stay in the lane. I wish it looked at the car ahead to help with lanekeeping. But it's never surprising when it loses sight of the lane markers (though it does tend to drift to the right at exits, but it doesn't make a sharp move). But even in its current state, LKAS is great for long freeway drives.
I just drove 2000km in the last couple days. I have a car with level 2 driver assistance (ADAS). This includes lane assist.
I keep my hands on the steering wheel virtually at all times. I say virtually because I might let go for 2-3 seconds to untwist a bottle cap if everyone else in the car is asleep, not any different than the “knee steering” I did before. However, the car follows the curvature of the road without a problem.
The main benefit of ADAS, to me, is greatly reduced driver exhaustion. Yes, I am paying attention and actively driving the car, however I can focus on the important things.
The ACC ensures I don’t need to worry about fines for speeding due to a heavy foot. It also ensures that I’m “far enough” from the car in front to keep me (and them) safe. Lane assist means I can spend 20% more focus on understanding what shenanigans are going on 5 cars ahead instead of worrying about drifting in another lane.
Do I rely on it continuously? Nope. Do I trust it completely? It’s bad enough that I can’t. However, after driving 2000km, I’m still fresh enough to engage in a conversation in a foreign language with the in-laws, whereas in my prime, 15 years ago, the same trip would’ve put me to bed instantly.
It reduces the cognitive load of driving. It doesn’t make driving easier, however it reduces the mental burden of being a defensive driver.
It’s not unlike ABS. Could I achieve a lower stopping distance by carefully surfing the grip/skid brake pressure? With practice, on a track, absolutely. Do I get greater peace of mind knowing that at any time a computer is checking 500x per second whether my tyres are losing grip, regardless of my state of mind, whether I’m paying attention, am distracted, the road conditions, or which pair of shoes I’m wearing? Undoubtedly.
A lane change assist which speeds up and steers to the other lane is level 2.