I'm a European, I love the project of building peacefully a political entity aggregating countries that have been at war for centuries.
This is Europe, and migrants issue is only a very small part of the equation. And, actually, Britain has never been in this Europe I long for. Just like an annoying neighbor who wants to share the commons but not pay for it.
Britain left, for whatever bad reasons: Good news, let her go, Europe will be stronger and will build faster without her.
In ten years, after having realized that none of UKs problems were caused by Europe, after realizing that she's become a small old lady no-one cares about, she'll come and beg us to take her back. And we'll take her back, but this time she'll sign to all the rules, including Euro.
Northern european here. I would welcome the UK back without hesitation (but not without negotiations, naturally). Of course, I also expect all exceptions originally given to the UK to be lost forever.
Why would the EU ever want us back? Really? By the time England's population becomes strongly in favour of rejoining, our economy will have been fairly trashed, we won't be a significant player, the EU will have done just fine without us for ages, why would they ever let a former member that caused a bunch of trouble, back in? What's in it for them? Also I'm not convinced England's population ever will be in strong favour of rejoining, with the deluge of anti-EU propaganda we're exposed to, that everything that's going wrong in this country is someone else's fault. I'd love to be proved wrong of course....
Everything except the money changing on your list could be achieved without the Euro.
I was a remainer and I'd love to rejoin and Schengen, the mobile roaming stuff, etc. are all wonderful and I would like them back.
I'm not convinced the Euro would be a good idea and I'm absolutely convinced that you'd lose public support for rejoining if you tried to go that route.
I keep wondering if EEA + Schengen would be a viable middle ground.
She can't. No one can. But she could have diffused the uncertainty by reassuring the many EU citizens in the UK and the many British citizens living in the EU that, of course, the government would seek a deal which protected their status.