My thoughts exactly. I don’t want to sacrifice my own convenience for the sake of a company, which by the way, doesn’t even bother including a freaking adapter in their other product, the iphone.
They could have simply provided a standard USB-A port. Trying to put all possible connectors on the thing sounds like a fools errand, regardless of Apple's stance.
Makes me wonder how people here feel about the USB-C and basically all gadgets requiring adapters. I like Apple and Mac, but this piece.. Isn't it ugly at the end, that if you want to use an SD card from your camera you must get an adapter, adapter for your iPhone 7 lighting headphones and adapter for your $1k 27" Retina display which isn't 5k, but still pretty freaking good. That's 3 ports, and 1 USB-C port left you'll use for charging.
I mean, that’s fantastic for you, but not everyone has the money to just upgrade all of their equipment the moment a port changes, so we’re forced to buy $100 adapters for everything.
It’d be fun if at least the iPhone was chargeable with usb-c, but even that requires an adapter.
Spot on! I read the article and for some reason thought that Apple has made a big mistake. You’ve reminded me that I literally never plug my iPhone in. I charge with MagSafe and transfer everything over the network.
The next iphone in 2017 or 2018 probably won't have the adapter. All headphone manufacturers should go and ask for lightning certification. The adapter is just a temporary measure to soothe customers. It won't be supported forever.
If apple honestly wanted digital audio they would have used the universal USB-C standard for the future. Apple wants customer lock-in to their platform and using lightning will prevent customers from leaving because these customers have invested a lot in their ecosystem. Ditching the lightning and moving to USB-C was the right thing to do, converting everything to lightning isn't.
I don’t care that they removed the analog in favor of digital, I'm annoyed that it’s just. One. Port. Give me two lightning ports so I can use headphones and charge without resorting to a dongle and I’ll go along with it. As it is I haven’t bought a new iPhone since my 6S plus.
It would be just like apple to do this only for the European market. Or worse make it charge only and you have to jump through some other hoop or use a dongle or proprietary cable for sync. It’s almost like they have a pathological need to make things more difficult than they need to be.
I made a decision. I’m gonna upgrade my iPhone when Apple makes usb-c iPhone rather than lightning socket.
It’s really double spreak on their end. I don’t give a shit about the new fancy features. I just want Apple to simplify the gajillion cables and converters I need to carry around.
None of the adapters offered so far look like they're going to support use inside existing docks/devices -- the best you can do is the use the cable adapter and then sit the phone nearby.
On top of that, there isn't even a Lightning dock for sale from Apple!
This change seems badly thought out, and shaving a few mm from the overall device a poor justification for the massive expense and upheaval involved. When even hotel rooms have caught on to the popularity of the dock connector, changing it should have had better reasons.
I yet have to find anyone in my family who cares about micro usb connectors. Their iPads and iPhones work just fine without them. Should we have SWAT team come to Apple HQ to force them redesign iPhones to include standard that you like?
Note that I don't advocate any kind of violence to be applied to, say, Samsung or you to have the same adapter as Apple or anyone else.
That doesn’t mean they have chargers that meet the wattage and port needs of newer phones. I still use an iPhone XS Max, which uses a 5 watt usb a charger. If I upgrade to an iPhone 15 I will need to get an usb a to c cable and the phone will take forever to charge. I don’t even know if that wattage is enough to charge the phone while it’s on, especially with the pro models.
Or they could just include a 20 watt usb c charger with my $800-1200+tax and activation fees phone and not force me to spend another $60 on their power adapter. though to be fair a third party option would certainly be less expensive.
I agree 100%. Software is eating the world, so I'm not sure why everyone is so against this.
Maybe it's a case of I didn't complain when they came for my DEC Alpha server with green screen, nor when they took away my Token Ring network, but I will not stand for only using one flimsy cable for all my devices. Come on, this is the tech industry, what did you think was going to happen?
What I see Apple's done here is future proofed the connector. Ok, so it doesn't output 1080p today, but I see no reason why it couldn't tomorrow. Devise a new protocol, download an update to all the iDevice's which in turn upgrades all the adapters out there and everything's golden. Once this (admittedly painful) transition is complete, I see no reason for Apple to have to endure another one. By the time it's outdated, I'm sure everything will be wireless.
Perhaps everyone complaining about a $30 adapter shouldn't have purchased a $600 phone and instead stuck with a $20 Moto Razr.
Hold on there sparky... If they did that, they would loose money on both the new chargers they sell people, plus every other adapter seller would need to change products, and then buying a charger that works with both iPhone and Android on one cable!?! Sacrilege! /s