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If 0-indexing hadn't been the default for so many programmers for so many years (usually because the languages being used required actually thinking about arrays in terms of memory offsets) then it would feel very odd. Humans reason about counting in terms of the natural numbers, so 1-indexing is fine. Just ask any beginner CS student what they think of 0-indexing if you doubt this.

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Maybe my thinking is just warped by the language, but I think 0 indexing is the right thing most-- but not all-- of the time. Looking at my code I have relatively few places where I need to -1 to convert a natural 1 index into a zero index.

It would be easy for languages to offer two array access syntaxes, one for 0 and one for 1 like array[i] for 0 index and array{i} for 1 index access, then the accessing code could use the right tool for the job. Unlike defining the indexing type as a property of an array you shouldn't have problems with accidentally using the wrong one at time of use.

... but to really know if it's a good idea you'd have to test it, and sadly very few concepts in programming are subjected to any kind of rigorous scientific study.

personally i think 0-indexing is weird. it makes sense as a pointer offset in lower-level languages. but in higher-level languages we have the opportunity to index the first element by the number 1, the second by the number 2, and so on instead of having to do that little -1 every time which is something that has to be learned

0-based array indexes make sense when what you are working with is laid out in memory from an offset. Honestly, if we cared about purity literally everything else (linked lists, etc) should be 1-indexed, but, stuff like composition and abstraction turned out to be more important, so we're stuck with 0-based indexes for everything.

0-based indexing is an artefact of pointer math. Modern languages don't treat arrays as a pointers to their first element. So, it is still with us only because almost no language designer decided to challenge existing convention.

Which is a valid argument for numbering starting at zero, but not just for programming languages, but in general and including human spoken languages. The common counter-argument is "People don't generally think that way unless trained to do so". Like many things in life, often convention and momentum often trump reasoned argument.

In general, much of what's chosen for language design is influenced to some degree by convention. This is a valid design choice, because you're maximizing use of existing domain knowledge of your audience.

In this specific case, I would argue that since in many languages where an array isn't a small shim over memory management (Ruby, Python, Perl, JS, etc) where easing user friendliness is at a premium over performance, 1 based array indexing would make better sense... if most people adopting those languages weren't already fairly well acquainted with 0 based indexing from CS programs or exposure to other languages (and it wasn't a simple concept to understand). Since many new users are familiar with it, and it is easy to understand, it's simple to just go with what some percentage of people already know, so convention wins out.

I just can't comprehend how something as trivial as indexing can be a deal-breaker for someone. I write 0-based most of the time, but I can think of as many advantages for 1-based indexing as I can for 0-based. The only time I can understand prefering 0-based is in C or something of a similar level, where indexing is just syntactic sugar for pointer arithmetic.

Arrays aren't just used for counting though. For example, the origin in cartesian coordinates is "0,0" and not "1,1". Not to say that I disagree, I don't think I've come across a situation where 0-based indexing would have been better for me personally. But there are definitely a lot of situations where I can imagine it would be preferable, like pretty much whenever you're doing math with them.

> Array indexing is such a core thing and I don't understand why anything mathematical or scientific would start with 1.

Counting things is such a core thing to humans that when we have a bunch of N things we think of them as thing #1 to thing #N. We start counting from 1, not 0.

Indexing from 0 in computing is adapting the human mind to the computer, purely for performance reasons that may have been relevant in the 50s or 60s but were beginning to be obsolete by the 70s. It was done so you could access elements of an array by the simplest possible calculation of your offset into heap memory. When your first element is stored at Starting_address, you need i for that first element to be = 0, just so you don't need to have the compiler add another constant term for each element to "Element is at Starting_address + i * sizeof(element)".

Would have been trivial, even then (as Wirth showed) to add that constant term calculation to compilers, but it was done without in C because that eliminated one whole integer operation from each (set of?) array access(es).

In stead, we got the mental gymnastics of

   for(i=0, i++, i<=N-1) {...}
and its many variations (in stead of just for i := 1 to N...), which surely have caused orders of magnitude more headaches in off-by-one bugs over the years than it saved on performance.

_It used to be popular, and still is in some circles, to debate whether programming languages ought start array indexing at 0 or 1_

this is an exemplary case of citation needed if I ever saw one. maybe it's a valid debate for programming languages that doesn't allow people to do pointer arithmetic, which already restrict the field a lot, but even then that's sound as part of the 4GL bullshit that never really took off, and for good reasons

In languages like C it's useful to have 0-based indexing because it's not really an index at all but a pointer offset. You don't do pointer math in languages like Julia and Matlab (and Fortran), but instead actual indexing, so 1 is a better place to start.

Also, 1-based indexing is easier to teach those new to programming, especially children. 0-based indexing is a significant stumbling block for people, since they are used to counting from 1, which leads to all kinds of off-by-one errors.

Honestly 0-based indexing is one of the most annoying things to teach. In sciences, people really don't care about programming arcana: I have never found anyone who found 0-based indexing natural or intuitive.

In fact, much of the vehemence in favor of it seem to be more about programmer shibboleths, to make some people feel they are in a special 'in-the-know' club (certainly if the r/programmerhumour reddit is anything to go by).

All I can do for scientists is tell them the advantage of learning a programming language outweighs the weirdness.

Agreed. The fact that arrays were simple memory-offsets making zero-index easier for low-level programming doesn't make it easier for humans who historically prefer 1-indexing.

Zero is not a "natural" number, in fact many societies / civilizations never even understood or used zero in arithmetic [1].

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals

My argument was that in situations where the difference between 0 and 1 based indexing makes a difference it's ususally 0-based indexing that leads to simpler code.

It's funny that programmers treat zero-indexing arrays and things as normal (even "correct"), but suddenly zero-indexing versions is something wacky. What's weird to me is that 0.0.0 isn't more common in the developer world, given how frequently we start counting from 0.

Not that I particularly care to start yet another meaningless bikeshedding argument about 0 vs 1 indexing but... I think that a proper high level language should have arrays that start at 1.

It's only because of C and many programmers' weird tendency to take to heart statements from authority (Dijkstra) without any criticism that the 0-index meme is so popular now. 0-index is useful because it makes pointer arithmetic useful while pointer arithmetic is not often used in high level languages. 0-index is for offsets not counting. Vast majority of people use 1-index for counting. People who say everyone should use 0-index for counting sound really really silly to me (and frankly the vast majority of people; it's only because this meme is so popular in the programming world that they can somewhat get away with making this statement).

Most math books are written in a way where 1 is the first element. So if you take math examples and translate to code, it works more naturally.

Also this is how you talk normally. You don't talk about the zeroth-column or zeroth-row in daily speech. You talk about first column and first row.

Only reason 0 based indexing make sense to me is because I began programming as a teenagers and was forced to get accustomed to it. But I remember struggling with it. Yes when working with memory, pointers etc it is more elegant. But if you are not, then I think 1-based indexing looks better.

And realistically in many cases you won't even notice the indexing as you'll either be iterating over the array or using an array operator rather than accessing elements via an index. And in the remaining cases, much of the time whether the index is 0-based or 1-based won't affect the way the final code looks. Still, it's nice to have the option to 0-index in the few cases where it does make your code cleaner.

But software engineers aren’t the only ones who program these days. It’s true that many popular languages used by developers are 0-based, but the most popular language, Excel, is 1-based.

Non devs seem to prefer 1-based indexing in my experience. As a teacher of Java and C++ to new programmers, the 0 based nature of those languages is always a sticking point; it causes novice programmers to write incorrect code, which frustrates them and leaves them with the perception that programming is filled with arbitrary rules that are only there to confuse people. And they’re not so wrong, seeing as that even programmers here can argue endlessly about 1 vs 0 indexing with no definitive answer.

Some algorithms work better with 0-based indexing. But maybe, just maybe, there are other aspects to look at when evaluating a programming language than "it doesn't by default follow my favourite indexing type". Especially given that 0-based indexing is very easy to use for any array you may wish to use it for.

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