In that case, it's closer to C in speed, and usually more generic and "easy on the eyes". I don't know much about C, but seem to recall that it doesn't play well with unicode, usually treating text as bytes. Here's an equivalent Julia example:
function longest_word(st::Union{String, SubString{String}})
len = 0
start = 1
@inbounds for i in 1:ncodeunits(st)
if codeunit(st, i) == UInt8(' ')
len = max(len, i - start)
start = i + 1
max(len, ncodeunits(st) + 1 - start)
This takes about 8.2 µs for a 8.5 Kb piece of text on my laptop, but that only works on ASCII text and only treats ' ' as whitespace, not e.g. '\n'. For a more generic one, you can do:
function longest_word(st::Union{String, SubString{String}})
len = i = 0
start = 1
for char in st
i += 1
if isspace(char)
len = max(len, i - start)
start = i + 1
max(len, i + 1 - start)
This is 20 µs for the same text, so still only 3 ns per char. The underlying functionality, namely String iteration and the `isspace` function, is also implemented in pure Julia.
Don't be unreasonable. Numerical Julia code is just as fast, precisely because it's easy to design efficient high-level APIs and let the compiler optimise it.
Try timing Julia's IO, or it's string processing, or it's hash tables, or its array allocation or it's GC - you know, nearly everything other that mathematical operations on floats or ints. Nearly everything leaves performance on the table.
Sure Julia is fast, but not on a C level in these areas. There is still lots of room for optimisation, though.
I wrote a library in c to replace a Julia one I wrote (and make it more portable) and found that the c version was slower! (Couldn't inline functions as easily in c and was also being more parsimonious about memory usage in c)
As far as I am aware, Julia isn't that fast for string operations yet. The language has been optimized for numerical calculations but they haven't done much work on making working with strings as fast as they could. I remember reading this on a github issue at some point but I can't find the issue at the moment.
Yes. For this type of test, Julia should be nearly the exact same speed as C unless there is a mistake in the code. Which, to be fair, can happen very easily, especially with implicit typing.
That C code is 39% faster than the Julia version, so faster but not massively so. You can optimize the Julia code to be as fast as the C code by using in-place operations, but it's probably not worth if for such a small speedup unless the code is a real bottleneck. By comparison, the Python version (using NumPy, of course) is 25x slower than C, which is a whole different situation.
Most the speed advantage of the C here is due to reusing the same memory over and over, which you can do pretty easily in Julia as well. Here's the Julia code using in-place operations and it's still quite a bit more readable than the C version: I timed this and it's the same speed as the C version. When developing this, it follows the same general outline as the C version, but you have several benefits: (1) You can use asserts to compare to the easy version; (2) There are niceties like bounds checks and array indexing. In C you can't do (1) because there is on easy version to compare with. And doing the array index computations in C is kind of a nightmare—it's so easy to accidentally screw them up.
when you say Julia is slow, what are you talking about? even without any fancy tricks, normal Julia code is usually the same speed as the equivalent normal C code
Underrated comment. Yeah, if you want C-like performance, you have to do some low-level considerations, that is unavoidable at some point. So the "speed of C, convenience of Python" is misleading.
However, for many, many small tasks, today's compilers are smart enough that you can express your idea in a high-level language and the generated code will be maximally efficient. The real killer feature of Julia is that, where ever you can gain maximal performance with high-level syntax, you can just choose to do that. A more correct but less sexy slogan for Julia is that it has the best performance/expressiveness tradeoff you have ever seen.
I have reimplemented the function in Julia and it took 16.51 seconds to run, compared to 0.19 seconds when running C version.
Here is the code, perhaps someone else would know how to optimize it.
function main(max_a0)
longest = max_len = len = a = 0
for a0 in 1:max_a0
a = a0
len = 0
while a != 1
len += 1
a = ((a%2==0) ? a : 3*a+1)/2
if len > max_len
max_len = len
longest = a0
println("($max_len, $longest)")
@time main(1000000)
$ julia collatz.jl
(329, 837799)
elapsed time: 16.436623922 seconds (4206873264 bytes allocated)
$ julia --version
julia version 0.3.0-prerelease+143
> It's amazing to realize that writing down the first thing that comes to your head is usually like 80% as fast as a good, performant implementation. (As someone who has done a decent amount of work in performance engineering for embedded platforms, I really enjoy squeezing out the last drop of performance from most programs, but doing this for every single first-pass at a program, like in Python, is rather annoying if this is what is needed to get a usable implementation.)
Yes, Julia is not necessarily faster than a good C implementation (that doesn't leak, etc), but, like Python, what would be a 300-line C implementation, where one has to somewhat carefully manage typing and the abstraction is really rather complicated for something that is mathematically simple, we can usually write 20 lines of very performant Julia that is 95% as fast.
Attempting to do something relatively similar in Python is often slow enough that giving a practical implementation essentially needs to be coded in C and interfaced with Python, where we return (again!) back to the same problem we had before: writing a 300+ line C file for something that should be rather simple, mathematically speaking.
Note that one of the benchmarks take 5 ms in c -- if that's all you're trying to compute, why care about speed at all? And of course JIT will be a huge penalty on that time scale. There are a bunch of benchmarks on the front page of that show only a small penalty for using julia over c.
When you write code in a C like fashion it can often get as fast or faster than C. Of course it has the disadvatnage of all jit languages that it will likely have slower startup. But when you crunch big chunks of data it should be able to compete with C.
Actually want to qualify this a bit. Nothing gets automatically fast by just picking a fast language. That Julia is close to C in performance mainly means it is possible to achieve this through optimization without too much effort. However you still need to have some idea of what makes something slow or fast in Julia.
Personally I find it very easy to optimize Julia code because you can quickly see how the JIT transforms an individual function and what you may need to change.
This has been my experience as well: Python-style Julia code often does not run faster than in Python. Only of you rewrite it in C-style do you get C-like performance.
This is not necessarily a bad thing. Just an observation from me translating my Python code to Julia.
I don't think those contortions are all that crazy compared to what you have to do in C though anyways. And you can choose where to spend your effort in optimizing functions.
Sometimes, a function really is performance critical so you spend a ton of time fiddling with it to make it blazing fast, other times you write something non-optimal but straightforward. It's all the same language though, and unlike tools like Cython, you don't lose all your nice high level language features when you drop down to 'high performance julia code'.
Aren't many bash programs written in C? So this is implying Julia is somehow faster than C? Obviously that can't quite be true, but I can definitely imagine that the algorithms implemented in Julia could be fast faster than other algorithms - since the community has such a heavy influence of very hardcore mathematicians that have a string stress towards speed. Probably most of the algorithms in Julia are state of the art and push the boundaries on time complexity.