Yes but they interact with the same customers over long periods of time. I hate to tell you, but people can come to conclusions about the world. Its not a walled garden. I can see with my own two eyes what happens.
Go ahead and take legal cocaine though, hope your post helps you sleep at night
I've known many a dealer in my lifetime, and a distant family member who spent some time incarcerated for 'high level' activity, who gives me long tales of how the business works as well.
Dealers don't assault, endanger or attack random customers who just stop buying.
That's totally absurd, and that someone would suggest it - indicates that they are getting their information from Netflix/Hollywood films or something, not reality.
The vast majority of dealers are actually fairly normal people anyhow.
that's true, but the way you paint it sounds like there is no web of trust or reputation IRL and that its all shady ad-hoc meetings. buying smack off of a random stranger is junkie behavior. considering the estimated size of the black drug market, there is no way most drug users fit into this category. most drug users must be functional for the market to be that big. ergo the most likely scenario does not take place in a dark alley among strangers.
In places with an established drug scene I'd expect that unhappy customer == dead dealer, because other parties will work to protect their commons (reputation of the market) against random defectors looking for quick buck.
Well...depending on what you're selling they are probably excellent customers. Sorry, couldn't resist.
On a more serious note however, I understand what you mean. I think there's also the perception that significant cases of drug abuse, addiction and the crimes related to this are something that seems to happen far, far away for most people in a position to offer help. Something you see in movies and dramatic VICE documentaries, but not in your own backyard. If you're not confronted with the problem it's easy to not perceive it as one.
Yes because generally people who sell shit want to keep selling shit to the same people. So there is an incentive to sell stuff that is as close as possible to what the customer wants. Yes you get cases where people cut coke with fentanyl, but in general this is not how it works.
Nope but it's still not pleasant. Granted they're still snorting cocaine but do they want to short sedative antihistamines when they want a stimulant? Unlikely.
The point is dealers will cut with unsavoury shit. They're not stupid enough to cut with poison but they are stupid enough to cut with shit that will turn people away.
I guess a drug dealer also can justify their line of work by saying that they are merely providing the means for a customer to obtain something that they like.
Drug dealers don't call their customers "users". They call them customers. Only the general public in 1950 whitebread suburbia calls drug customers "users".
I'm not describing any sophistication on the part of the dealers; what I'm attempting to describe is more akin to the proliferation of a species in a given ecological niche if more food were introduced. If the drug users die less, the dealers have more customers and make more money, and everything else follows from there.
There's different kinds of 'drug dealers'. I've known many 'part-timers' who would buy in bulk and just sell to their friends to make extra cash. Then there's the cops that give drugs away at almost-nothing prices to their friends after they've confiscated them from the dealer who pissed off the club owners he was working with and gave him up. No two dealers are the same...
Go ahead and take legal cocaine though, hope your post helps you sleep at night