If by some weird magic I had today all the BTCs forever locked in Nakamoto's wallet, currently around $23 billion, I would give them all away just to be able to live in 2140, the year the last BTC will be mined. So I guess BTC is actually a currency after all, haha.
Are you including the increasing value of the BTC in that calculation? I imagine if all goes well, it would be worth a lot more than what it is today in 19 years. It might be impossible to ever withdraw the whole thing at that rate.
Imagine going long - very long - with a stash that big.
The pundits-in-the-know often semi-seriously state they expect 1 BTC to rise to $100,000 USD within 10 years - looking at the past 5 years that's not an unreasonable statement to make. This is based on BTC's deflationary nature, and its increasing prevelance in the world. Imagine if you owned one 28,000,000th of the Internet economy - that would still be a lot of money. What if you owned 10x or 100x of that? In BTC it's still an amount affordable by a large organisation or nation state, but in 10 years' time it would be like having your own Fort Knox.
I thought it was nuts when BTC crossed the great Rubicon that was $1/BTC thinking how could this thing I generated on my laptop be worth more than a real dollar? I sold then bought in again after Mt Gox. I get the same vibes today it might take 10 years but nothing is different now, Bitcoin will be $100k eventually.
That is in theory. If BTC becomes legit one fine day, what percentage of the world owns BTC and what percentage of the world's wealth will they own? If that doesn't scare you I don't know what will..
Open a brokerage account and put small amounts into whole market index funds each pay period. That way you are nearly guaranteed to have something in there in 10-15 years. There's really no way to know if BTC will be worth 0 or 100k/coin in that time period.
At the current coinbase exchange rate, your BTC holdings would be worth about $576,000,000. It would have been tough to buy $1000 worth back then, though.
It doesn't have to be all or nothing. The proper strategy would be to sell a percentage at $10.
In fact, if you started in 2011 with 1000 BTC and every year you sold 50% then today you'd have (by my rough calculations):
8 BTC (worth about $50k)
$160k USD
Of course it's not the millions you'd have if you just held each time, but for many that is a life changing amount of money and you would have obtained it in a responsible manner that doesn't just rely on the value of Bitcoin shooting to the moon.