My approach is similar but different: I unfolllowed everyone and now use lists exclusively.
I have a politics list, a tech list and a couple more. If I want to catch up what’s going on in politics, I just check my politics list.
> The mute function is also highly useful.
This feature didn’t do anything for me. It still shows you tweets but muted (you have to click to see them). The FOMO in me makes me always want to click on them to see what I’m missing out on. I wish they would just completely hide them.
This appears to be tips for engaging in "influencing"
For the rest of us there are ways to get the best from twitter.
The "home" screen is where they insist on showing you random shit, trends and vitriol. There are setting you can flip to turn these off, however I can't remember them.
This is where lists come in
They only work[1] if you unfollow everyone but a handful of close contacts, or people who don't "like", "had got a reply" or retweets stuff that annoys you.
once you have a small "clean" set of contacts, you feel like you're missing out, this is where lists come in.
You can now setup a bunch of lists for various interests that you have. List timelines don't have any bells and whistles, they are almost linear time, and have none of the "x has received a reply" shit on the home timeline. It also allows you to partition your timeline by your mood. So if you're not in the mood for politics, don't look at the politics tab.
You can use lists to avoid all of these. You'll see tweets only from those you add to the list. No promotional tweets, etc. So, instead of (or, in addition to) follow/unfollow, you'll have to add/remove from lists.
Simply blocking “Trump” made a massive difference for me. My accounts are all specialized and have nothing to do with politics, and yet no matter who I follow my feeds turn into at least 50% Trump stuff.
But I still spend way too much time saying “see less often” to things. Hopefully this mute list works well!
The one feature I wish Twitter lists had is turning off retweets by account in a list. Currently, a retweet-generous account will pollute the entire list. You can turn off retweets only for accounts you actually follow, and it applies only to your main timeline, not the lists.
Unfortunately, you cannot turn off retweets in lists, at least on the Twitter website or iOS app. I disable retweets for most of the people I follow. Fortunately, in Tweetdeck you can filter retweets for each list individually.
I too disabled the default "Recommended by Twitter" feed and instead chose to view only tweets by accounts I follow in a chronological order. Absolutely no political stuff. This resulted in a very pleasant twitter experience.
I also use Tweetbot on my Mac, which allows me to filter retweets. That means I only see what people say. I do use another filter on my National Basketball Association list to block a certain keyword.
The downsides of Tweetbot is that it doesn't support everything that Twitter offers (polls, probably fleets, etc.) and is about $10.
>I realized even they will pollute my feed with politically divisive topics, whether it be from them retweeting something, or liking a tweet, or even entering into the fray themselves
Sorting by "Latest" rather than "Home" makes it so you don't see their likes and replies. I would recommend it to anyone.
Yeah, that's the trick to Twitter definitely. You're very much in charge of what you see there beyond the tricks you have to pull to get retweeted items out of your feed.
I really wish there were more aggressive options to do that in lists, some people have great content but retweet an insane amount of things as well and it'd be nice to be able to exclude those from a list but not universally across the whole feed like you can with block words.
> really wish FB and moreso Twitter would include a big switch in their settings that was just "Politics On/Off" hide all political ads, and tweets and retweets for people who just don't want to see that
Twitter has mute filters that do this. Add the surnames of some political candidates to your mute filters, and that alone will improve your Twitter experience - moreso if you use a third party client (like Fenix on Android or Tweetbot on iOS) that doesn't also show likes or random tweet suggestions from people you don't follow.
The downside is you have to put in the filter creation work yourself, but on the plus-side you know exactly what you're filtering out and why. Don't leave it to Twitter to be the judge of what you should and shouldn't see. If you look in your settings, you'll find Twitter is absolutely horrible at determining what you're interested in: on the Twitter website, look at More -> Settings & Privacy -> Account -> Your Twitter Data -> Interests and Ads Data -> Interests From Twitter, and be amazed at all the topics you've never heard of and political candidates that Twitter thinks you are interested in, and is using to push ads and tweet suggestions in your face.
Bonus points for adding other clickbait words to your mute filters, like "outrage". Maybe consider various -isms, like "capitalism" and/or "socialism" if you want to avoid being drawn into decades long debates that won't be solved in 280 characters.
Damned if you do: people will question your political stance.
Damned if you don't: you'll lose a lot of users who uses twitter for various reasons other than politics and warfare. People that just want to relax and unwind, be entertained, and plug into the matrix.
Seriously though I think a better UI for muting topics would be a better user interface than hardcoding these things. In twitter you can mute topics but you gotta dig through the settings first.
I agree with frantically hiding newsfeed items, there must have been 20 people I forgot were in my contacts that popped up into my newsfeed, I'm not a huge fan of it - but it really undercuts Twitter.
I would like the opposite - hide all uninformative and boring nonsense some people tweet (but not often enough to unfollow), and just get the retweets. These usually have high information and are of relevance (i'm only using twitter for itsec news).
If you, like me, find the non-political part of Twitter valuable, I have discovered that Twitter has built in filtering tools.
It's pretty simple. Each time I see a tweet I dislike, I pick one word from it and add it to my "mute word" list. It's now filled with words like "trump", "liberal", "minister", etc, and now I see interesting technical discussions instead of political trash.
I have a politics list, a tech list and a couple more. If I want to catch up what’s going on in politics, I just check my politics list.
> The mute function is also highly useful.
This feature didn’t do anything for me. It still shows you tweets but muted (you have to click to see them). The FOMO in me makes me always want to click on them to see what I’m missing out on. I wish they would just completely hide them.