Move seems to be part of that steam for (home/industrial)-automation plan?
Probably doomed. German industry culture is toxic to software. Product perfectionism prevents shipping early and often, often doesen't ship at all, cause hype dies before product is done.
If only they would actually learn from it (e.g. make it open source). As it works now, no chance this will succeed. Speaking for Germany alone, this would be monumental.
I'm guessing they'll take longer to get things done in Germany than in China, but hoping that they'll bring their relentless efficiency to Europe as well :)
This is all great, but I do not see any incentive for companies to roll out a broader solution. They will simply enable a workaround for their German customers and continue to abuse the rest of the world.
I hope not.
As a German I'm really happy that we're in a federation with countries like the Netherlands and Sweden which have much more tech literate governments because they provide at least some checks and balances to the email printers that we have.
German here. I think what we now see is what local nerds always warned about: US Big Tech is strategically making us dependent on them and when they play the end-game, we're fu*ed.
Sure, they will disable the data collection and gladly obey the rules we put in the contracts (how do we know?). But they'll make sure that we're paying extra money for it. They're sucking away our now even more valuable tax money[0] and our idiotic leadership of panic throws more money into this black hole.
[0] A "Kleine Anfrage" in the German parliament to the Bundesregierung in December 2023 made it public (but mostly ignored) that the German Bundesregierung will pay 6bn EUR to Microsoft and Oracle in the upcoming years. Source (in German):
Granted, Deutsche Telekom is already responsible for a lot of crap German users have to endure (like long waits to have an internet connection)
But I guess since most of their customers would be satisfied of using a disk dial phone and usage is kept low by fines to torrent users and half of Youtube being censored by GEMA they have little incentive to change.