He's the most important public intellectual today in more ways than one. Probably the only person who is communicating a deep understanding of the political divide to the public, and what can be done to fix it. Unlike some of his colleagues like the hack Gad Saad or the slightly less hacky but still partisan Jordan Peterson.
I completely agree. I've had the opportunity to meet the man and despite his appearance and unique personality, we need his philosophy on many topics shoved into the forefront of the media fairly often.
Probably one of the most interesting thinkers whose ideas are relevant today. His idea of "radical monopoly" describes our "apps for everything" present and where the platforms are, and his thoughts on cities and traffic are really interesting.
I'm not sure what I think about evaluating people on a public forum in this way, without them knowing. But anyways, I've read quite a few of his writings and watched at least one of his talks, and could not agree more. Good description.
great point ErrantX. I also believe his simple, humble approach to communicating is genius! He gets his points across to a wide audience and lays a foundation to open-minded, constructive discussion.
His talk[0] at sloan school when he was young is also good.
His answer to buiness school students (some of whom were in consulting business) is quite revealing of his personality. Doesn't hesitate to talk straight in a very calm way. And very clear in his mind about the views he expresses. Also, very eloquent in putting his views forward.
Sebastian Marshall is one of the great geniuses of our time. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to visit the same forum that he frequents. Thank you, Sebastian. It means a lot to all of us.