There's never been any belief among the scientific community that any of the vaccine candidates would provide sterilizing immunity. That was just a pipe dream.
I have been downvoted elsewhere in this thread for saying that it's not clear whether the vaccine confers sterilizing immunity (or perhaps, for suggesting that restrictions will continue until children are vaccinated. Who knows!) Be careful what you say here, lest you get downvoted to oblivion!
I understand some vaccines provide sterilizing immunity, others do not. Which is what is causing so much confusion as people are lazily refering to the vaccine "working" or "not working" without specifying what they mean by working.
They are non-sterilizing ; that is, they protect the vaccinee from getting the disease, but not from getting (and shedding) the virus.
We have sterilizing oral ones. They have safety issues, both personal and population level ones.
The essentially perfect way is to give everyone the non-sterilizing one as early as possible in life, and the sterilizing one at a later stage. The non-sterilizing one protects against the safety issues in the sterilizing one.
If you really want to nitpick, "what we got" are vaccines that are not known to provide sterilising immunity, and the 3rd party testing that has been done shows limited effect on reducing transmission. That being the case, it would be surprising if they did have sterilising immunity.
I tried to google for a list of sterilising and non-sterilising vaccines - but I could not find any. Could you provide sources for your claim that "essentially no viral vaccine prevents infection, with the possible exception of the HPV vaccine"?