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Awesome, exactly what I needed. I was just about to create yet another "inject X.js" bookmarklet.

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This is awesome. I've been waiting for this! Now all I need is the same thing for JavaScript and I'll be in heaven!

Awesome have wanted something like this for a long time, just don't have the mastery of JS to create it myself!

This is awesome. I love JavaScript and all the goodness it offers and this is one more reason to love it even more because now I can pile all my greasemonkey scripts into the UI.

awesome, it's so put-together, i'll definitively use it. together with the jquery ui library.

Great project, exactly what I've been looking for - a truly minimal JS "Framework*!

Love it. As a backend dev (trying to be full stack), this looks really helpful. Adding it to the list of pinned chrome tabs :)


I added a bookmarklet of the original code to the site- I know you're legit, but I'm always wary of encouraging people to load random external JS via a bookmarklet.

Awesome! I've moved away from JS to Go recently, but this is sure really useful for frontend stuff.

This is everything I never knew I needed.

At a glance through the docs, I'm pretty sure I can replace about 30% of my website's javascript codebase with this. Not to mention that having to actually write the javascript to "spruce" up a form will often lead me to be lazy and just have people deal with an un-spruced-up form.

I'm itching to get off work and try it out for real :) Thank you for all the work you did on this.

Awesome. Making JS better every day. For any medium+ sized project, plain JS just falls apart. Thanks guys!

Thank you for introducing me to phantomjs, just the thing I need.

also using pagedjs :) awesome!

this is great. But seriously, this is my setup for 75% of my work, Visual Studio Code with JS, excited to see this little feature in action.

Kudos, much needed. Neat documentation. Would love to try with JS APIs.

Pretty sure this is genius. Finally a .js site that makes sense.

Now, that is awesome JS work.

Whoa, this is awesome. It's a work of millions of people and lines of code, and it's MIT licensed.

Although http://www.dropzonejs.com/ is still great, this looks much better, it supports many plugins. I'm very impressed.

Thanks sir! At the beginning I tried to implement the lib only with the Dom api, but was a little painful because isn't very agile and tedious... so I ended with the jQuery dependency, thing that I want to remove in the future.

This looks awesome. I've never used it, nor much JS, but now I'm going to write something in it or about it. Cheers

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