This is awesome. I love JavaScript and all the goodness it offers and this is one more reason to love it even more because now I can pile all my greasemonkey scripts into the UI.
I added a bookmarklet of the original code to the site- I know you're legit, but I'm always wary of encouraging people to load random external JS via a bookmarklet.
At a glance through the docs, I'm pretty sure I can replace about 30% of my website's javascript codebase with this. Not to mention that having to actually write the javascript to "spruce" up a form will often lead me to be lazy and just have people deal with an un-spruced-up form.
I'm itching to get off work and try it out for real :) Thank you for all the work you did on this.
Thanks sir! At the beginning I tried to implement the lib only with the Dom api, but was a little painful because isn't very agile and tedious... so I ended with the jQuery dependency, thing that I want to remove in the future.