Except no pay out for you. Maybe the next big site should be backed by crypto or something with token rewards so you make something by building the sure with content?
It would be cool if it evolved into something mutual between content providers and users. You have a bitcoin/ethereum/whatever wallet associated with your browser, and when you're on a website it spins up a mining process where you take a cut and they take a cut. It could be built on a platform kind of like AdSense where there's a basic agreement between parties on how things should work.
I make most of my living off of the donation economy. There are a lot of people out there who want to support good content. They just really don't like ads.
Why not create a blockchain where ACTIONS online = PROFITS. The bigger actions would payout more, but coin is actually minted through online content creation, where you the creator of that content get compensated based on an algorithm.
Could even have that algorithm take in external things and re-calibrate the coins you were paid (i.e. give a bonus) for social media reach, or number of views...
E.g. : You post a video. -- You get 10 props. User B submits a comment. They have 500 comment karma so they get .01 props. User C submits a comment. They have 0 karma.. they don't get any props. User D has negative karma -- they actually have to pay props to comment till they're out of the hole.
Over a month you get 10k views, so the algorithm looks at all views across all videos for the month, and pays out a bonus where each view = 1 share out of the bonus pool of newly minted coins. Say there were 10 other users all w/ 10k and 100 props for grab you could basically give each 10 props as a bonus.
Obviously comments/etc isn't a huge time taking thing like creating a video, so video creator should get more.
I'm imagining something like Reddit + Steemit combined with some added rewards systems to keep users involved and providing QUALITY content, the karma system would be setup to basically try and ensure better quality.
I'm sure someone is already developing it if it's a good idea, but it seems that instead of ad revenue, internet content could be paid for by cryptomining while consuming their content.
A part of me really wants a system that asks the browser for a "hey, you wanna give money instead" token that lists a payment system and a unique id. I don't wanna really hurt content creators.
we really need a better way of paying for content. There's some attempts going around of browsers or extensions paying sites, but the ones i've seen felt kinda scammy.
i'd love some service where i can put in $20 a month, and it gets split up among the sites i've visited, with options to give bigger shares or exclude sites completely. probably not gonna happen for a while though, having to set up something to receive payments with is just too much trouble for the small personal blogs etc. that have the most interesting content.
How sites would make money? I'm not really thinking about that too much right now, but I suppose sites could do all the usual things they do with the current web (advertising, accepting payments via credit card gateways, Bitcoin, Patreon, etc). It doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing proposition and it certainly isn't to me. Some functionality will still require a centralized service?, just not the entire thing.
Build this into a browser, add 10$ a month to the wallet and automatically devide value over the websites you visit. If enough people would do it, it would be great for (independent) content creators.
I don’t think this will work out for a site that’s based on user-generated content. What would work is require payment for power-user features. But not for content.
One wonders if there is even business model on web? Maybe it would be better to go back to passion projects. Ones where person making content also pays for the hosting. Probably leads to lot less content being around, but also removes money.
You'll almost certainly need some sort of cryptocurrency to adequately compensate your peers. Otherwise it's not fair for you to host someone else's 10GB movies for free while you're only publishing a 1MB static site. But if we get to that point why not just pay someone else to do it, since there will be a competitive marketplace for hosts?
Gaming this type of system is certainly possible, but I can identify a few factors that would limit this.
For one, no matter how large "their slice of the pie" is, the publishers won't make much if the user doesn't feel that the content is valuable. Thus, blogs and what not will still be encouraged to deliver quality content to truly increase earnings.
I agree, however, that basing payout on the number of visits to a "supported" site is flawed. I could see myself supporting a site, forgetting that I did so, and then end up paying much more than I had intended. No thanks.
This is a great idea.
I keep hitting bloomberg limits, and they still haven't realised I am never going to pay for their articles.
The only method of payment I deem acceptable in today's age is cryptomining.
Connect to website. No login necessary, incentivise account creation by persisting "Mined credits".
If you don't login you lose your credits after session expires.
This way you can literally leave the tab open to passively gain credits while you aren't using your device for other means, and the website gains a direct source of income.
This also means that the better your content, and the more users you have, the more money you generate.
This thing is so obvious, I find it stupid that no-one has made it yet.
This may actually be fantastic for the web. The current incentives are terrible anyway: cheat, scam and SEO your way to the first search result page and then do whatever since you'll get visits and decent ad revenue regardless of content.
Most people that make good content don't make it for money anyway. Did people back in the pre-google days think "oh I'd make this site but gosh darn there's nobody to pay me for it". They just went and made the site regardless.
So don’t do it for free. Start with paid subscriptions to post or something and build that way. Similar things have been done before - the famous tenbux.