You can't even bookmark or favorite channels on discord. On discord, instead of joining channels, you join server (which aren't really servers BTW) with all their sub-channels, it is utterly impractical to use.
I just wish I could just have a list of favorite channels. There already is a forum post on their website.
Servers have an obscene amount of channels, while IRC has a single channel per topic, and sometimes has one or a few more (ubuntu, for example).
I honestly have a hard time using discord because of that. Discussions are atomized. Some channel are just pointless and often silent. The notification system is stupid and you just mute everything because of it (the tray icon is always red while you have nothing to read, and you are not going to scroll all channels you're not really interested in).
Oh yeah, and displaying the user list is pretty pointless when there are more than 40 users. Just my opinion.
This is my biggest complaint about Discord, and the reason I rarely check the few servers I'm on. There are three channels out of 80 I'm interested in. Just let me leave them!
The discoverability is bad with IRC servers as well.
But I really meant how to switch to channels on different discord servers you are subscribed to.
In my IRC mindset, channels aren't attached to particular servers. They exist all in the same bubble. Not so with Discord.
The Discord UI prevents me from seeing activity in the channels I'm interested in if they are on a different Discord server. Quickly jumping to another channel on another server is not possible AFAIK (there are keybindings for switching servers or going to the next or next unread channel on the same server though).
I think that is due Discord being tied to livestream gaming. When you livestream, it makes more sense that you don't switch to other channels during that session. You are more involved with that channel.
What does discord do really well? I’ve had channels mysteriously become inaccessible until whoever posted something deletes it. The “stay on top” feature for watching a stream never seems to work very well. For some stupid reason, chat and streams aren’t integrated, so you have to chat in an associated channel which is different from where you’re watching the stream. All kinds of icons are hidden until you happen to mouse over them, which is objectively bad design. If you receive an @ and the chat continues on significantly before you see it, clicking on that channel doesn’t take you to the mention, but rather some other, seemingly random location in chat history (sometimes I don’t find it and just give up).
Discord doesn’t seem to do anything well except sign users up quickly.
Bummer, I was about to start using discord. There are a few servers that I'd like to join, but I find their app slow and annoying. This could've been a good compromise. I don't want to break their TOS, though.
And you have to use Discord's client, which looks the same in the browser and on the desktop. Among other things you simply cannot watch multiple channels at the same time, even on the same server. You have to switch back and forth between them, and in my experience you give up and stay in one or the other. If they're on different servers, it's even more of a pain.
And you still cannot leave a channel in Discord. You can mute, but that's not the same thing — it still clutters your sidebar, and still downloads contents from it.
Then, join any random server and there can be dozens of distinct channels, many of which are meta-on-meta channels: rules, announcements, shout-box, bot-sticky messages, bot commands, and a plethora of other noise, on top of the multitude of automated bot messages you get over time.
Discord bots are out of control. They remind me of the days of IRC and eggbot scripts and eggbot hosts: every channel went out and bought a cheap VPS or eggbot host to run their scrappy little bots. Except somehow worse and incredibly annoying.
I don't think Discord is ready, or even trying to be ready, for enterprise use. Not yet!
I haven't gotten into Discord yet. Isn't it a pain that there are so many Discord servers and you can't just have one server with all the channels (ala Freenode)?
This is the biggest pain for me with discord. Third party clients have tabs for specific channels u can use but it's still not as easy to monitor multiple places like it is in irc. And also it's against TOS
It's not like IRC. You had one or two channels per topic. Discord servers have 50 channels for everything under the sun.
You join a programming Discord, there's a general, meme, spam, announcements channels, like on that gaming discord, like on my friends' Discord, etc.
It's incredibly hard to navigate. And they're complete siloes. Previously someone on #programming could join #friends-channel. Now you need to explicitly invite them. So there's no cross-pollination possible.
Discord does has a "Forum" mode for channels. I cannot for the life of me figure out why no servers seem to use it. Trying to follow conversations or find useful info in a normal chat channel is incredibly frustrating.
My main gripe with Discord is the somewhat ephemeral nature of it, due to the search being horrible, as well as not publicly indexed nor easily accessible without an account + an invite to a specific server.
Yes and no. It's fully possible to name your channels meaningfully, but too many people who create Discord servers decide to be cute and ultimately make them unnavigable. Additionally, too many discord server owners get too granular with their channels and end up making their servers into conversation wastelands because you end up having to be in 3 different channels just to share content in the way that you would normally share it in a conversation.
Day to day the thing I dislike most about discord is that I can't have multiple instances of it open, or pop-out a channel to its own window. I'm in a bunch of servers but there are 3 channels and a DM in particular that I would love to just park on the second monitor forever and always have visible.