Then you would want to be able to run Android apps surely? IOS apps are hyper-focused on a limited set of specific hardware produced by a single vendor. Not to mention that Apple sucks to develop for without actually having Apple hardware and Apple operating systems available.
Apple/iOS has 100% on their platform. Noone stopped you back then from buying an Apple PC, installing Linux or BSD etc. either. Noone stopped you from installing an alternative browser on either Windows or Android, yet they got slapped for it.
It would be a potentially smart move by Apple to allow installing other OSs in iOS hardware. The market share grab part of this segment is mostly gone so they probably wouldn't lose much and it would help with their arguments about the App Store and other iOS restrictions. They could say that in iOS those are the rules but if you want to do something else with the device you own you can install something else. It might even win them some customers. They would win my business if I could install an open-source OS under my control on a phone like I do on my laptop. LineageOS is not even close unfortunately because of poor hardware support.
Because iOS is just a an OS that runs on a very limited number of tablets because of a decision by iOS's owners. There's absolutely no reason that iOS couldn't be just another tablet OS.