Dude, could you please add a disclaimer that it's insecure no matter what unless the server-side fetch cleans data. You write very authoritatively, and might give naive devs the impression that your solutions are secure enough.
Once again, security is very tricky to get right, and I'm very transparent about the security model and encryption of the application. I've discussed this at length and have thoroughly documented the code.
The commenter makes factual errors, and stating something is insecure, even on the level of suspicion, is a claim that as software developers, we take very seriously.
If your client-side code doesn't even require server-side validation, it does make it difficult to trust or believe your sandbox or app is secure.
As I said, it's a cool idea, but if you want developers to recommend this to people starting out, you need to make those developers confident that they're giving people something well-written and secure.
Edit: Well, cheers to your edits! As someone who is often helping people with learning PHP, I will definitely keep an eye on this project as something to recommend :)
I shouldn't trust a hashed username and password? How are server-based systems more secure?
you don't trust what the client says they can do
That's a non-issue if it's handled by ACLs on the server.
you don't trust what they're giving you
Like I mentioned before, though, for most applications you can trust what they're giving you. Sure, Amazon isn't going to ask the client how much an iPad costs and WoW isn't going to ask the client for the player's stats, but why should an application like Facebook care to verify whether you want to modify your own settings or send a friend request / wall post / whatever? If you attempt to perform an unexpected action (say, post to the wall of someone who's blocked you), the other user's client application logic (which is beyond your control) can still handle the junk data gracefully and simply.
Also, later on (when you have more developer time to spare), if you want to for whatever reason, you can easily just deploy a server-side "garbage collector" of sorts to regularly clean up the database without disrupting client-side flow.
It's not something you bolt on later.
It can be, provided that it's only in the form of new features rather than fixing something which was insecurely implemented to start with. (For example, maybe the MVP is free but the next iteration is freemium and requires server-side price validation.)
> It runs code fetched from a trustworthy origin (your server), so it is not enemy territory.
We should define terms before arguing. Enemy territory is anything you do not directly control. So, as a developer, you do not know if the user's agent is running your code from your server or something compromised. Assume the worst. Anything exiting the user's agent must be cleaned.
> Executing an action against the user's will is a security issue
Non-sequitur. Unless you're saying the `text` parameter could somehow execute code? It can't.
Considering the worst reasonable scenario, that this `text` parameter is sent directly from user input: so what? It may not be great practice, but it's not a security issue. Clean it server-side, which is what should be happening anyway, which the article fails to mention.
Considering the worst unreasonable scenario: the `text` parameter is compromised by a hacker somehow. Well, you're dealing with a far worse situation than could be handled by cleaning input client-side. Better to ensure input is secure... on the server side.
But, maybe I and others here are wrong. Assume many of us do have a worrying misunderstanding of the fundamentals. For the sake of the health of the internet, step us all through this scenario where a secure server side does not save the day, but these methods do.
This is Hacker News not Fox News. At least be intellectually honest.
It's not insecure by default. It just binds to all interfaces. Apache and Nginx both do this and we don't consider them to be insecure. Should a database be doing this ? That's debatable since it's a tradeoff between security and ease of use.
But that said if you are running an internet facing server without a firewall then you will have bigger problems than just your database.
> Even with that aside, though, most websites nowadays already run to some extent on untrusted hardware (thanks to JavaScript), thus warranting measures to handle untrustworthy IPC.
From a security perspective it is a very bad idea to rely on untrusted data (i.e. that only passed "client validation", but is not validated again on the server). In other words: If the client tampers with some of its data, only it itself should be affected from any problems that this causes.
> In an SPA, if you secure the backend logic you are safe no matter what mistakes are made in the frontend.
If. The problem I've observed is that people treat the backend as a dumb pipe for data and focus entirely on the frontend.
> When rendering server-side HTML, the frontend logic and backend logic both run in a privileged security context.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Business logic happening in a protected and opaque context means it isn't exposed and easy to reverse engineer or manipulate. An extremely common vulnerability on SPAs is "get a list of all the $STUFF user is allowed to see from endpoint A, then get all the $STUFF from endpoint B and filter out all the results they shouldn't see" because everything is still visible to the client; that exact same (suboptimal) logic is inherently more secure on the server. Another common one being "are we logged in or should we redirect?" Conversely, rendering content on the server makes it a lot easier to prevent certain vulnerabilities like CSRF.
That's not to say that I think SPAs are bad and AJAX is good, I just find the argument that SPAs are more secure if you secure the backend dubious. A SPA with an insecure backend can be just as insecure as a backend rendering HTML because the weak-point is the backend itself.
Edit: You could perhaps argue that SPAs are indirectly better from a security perspectiv because text serialization is safer than binary serialization. Though any serialization is still a potential weakness.
> Anything exiting the user's agent must be cleaned.
We all agree on that part. What's worrying here is the mentality that, once the server-side has been secured, the client can do whatever. It can be manipulated anyway, so it does not matter for security if it does validation or not.
This is wrong. As a user, I don't care if an attacker has manipulated my data on the client or on the server. As a site owner you are responsible for delivering a secure client.
Yes we should define our terms. The first term we need to define is "security". From the comments here, I'm starting to think people define it as "RCE on the server". That's a rather narrow view.
> step us all through this scenario where a secure server side does not save the day
Back to the example: maybe you're building a chat tool, and it has this sentiment-feature to help with moderation. At the very least, this bug could hide offensive content from a moderator. But you are calling POST to "/api/sentiment/" with untrusted text that can leak into other parts of the request. I haven't done the analysis, but maybe an additional form field could be set, say "learnAsPositive=true"? Or maybe you have some questionable "not a security problem" API design that re-uses the same POST endpoint for multiple things, and you could set "blockUser=true" and control the user name, or moderators can edit the message text. Or maybe it wasn't a sentiment endpoint but something more important, and the untrusted text could be the name of another user.
That said, the key for security is to design an app where compromising the server isn't possible.
That's simply not possible. There's always an exploit somewhere. Continually kicking the can of security "upstream" and being confident that your stuff is secure so long as no-one else messes up is naïve and myopic.
I intended this to be constructive feedback and I'm sorry if it came off as otherwise. Even if the IVs themselves aren't actually problematic, I think the main point is that users of this would be interested in integrity being part of the threat model. To me, there is a tangible difference between trusting the server with complete shell access and only trusting it to deliver frontend assets that I can inspect. Additionally, using misuse-resistant cryptography constructs and libraries is a good practice to avoid some of these problems entirely. I look forward to seeing iterations, since otherwise this is very nice work.
Dude, could you please add a disclaimer that it's insecure no matter what unless the server-side fetch cleans data. You write very authoritatively, and might give naive devs the impression that your solutions are secure enough.