The Deluxe calculator here is the one I used 10 years ago, it's quite good, but it doesn't have the best SEO, so it hide on the second page of the Google results, after a swarm of advertisement pages from mortgage companies:
That calculator is good, but simplifies a lot of things. For example, there's no easy way to include rent you charge to someone renting a room in your home. After using the NYTimes one a bunch of times, I found this one, which is much more full-featured:
There are a lot more options that I can take into account using the NYT version (ownership costs, HOA fees, specific mortgage rate, length of mortgage, rate of return of other investments, etc). How is this calculator better? Just because it’s simpler?
Found it!
The advanced panel, the simple graphics, highlighting the parallel rolls of expected rate of Rent increase vs Home price appreciation and making it a slider! Much usability, minimal space. to find the best properties to invest. I had enough to visit property portals check stats, collect info from Airbnb, and sum it. I wanted a place where I get everything.