I'm sorry to hear about this man. Please check into your forbearance payment options as there might be more to it then you expect and you might have other options on the table, see [1].
>Under the provisions of the CARES Act, individuals with federally backed mortgage loans who are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19 can request a forbearance period by contacting their mortgage servicer. Federally backed mortgages include FHA, VA, USDA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
>The CARES Act provides for affected borrowers to defer their mortgage payments for up to 180 days. Borrowers also have the right to apply for an extension of another 180 days of forbearance. There will be no penalties or fees added to the account, although regular interest will still accrue.
Not all mortgages are backed by the federal government, but if you’re serious about not being able to afford your mortgage you should look into yours, and check to see if your state has any resources too.
I’d suggest searching the terms “foreclosure” and “acquired immunity” in the text. If you find it to be up for interpretation, I’d love to see your take.
Americans are being foreclosed on in mass, and in some instances they've been forced out of their homes wrongly by a corporation who made a mistake (here's looking at you, BoA).
But with 50% of the mortgages in the country underwater, corporations taking houses is much more real than we want to admit.
Despite the wording, approval is not at the discretion of the financial institution. If the loan is federally backed, the financial institution must approve mortgage relief.
Moreover, currently they are not even allowed to seek proof of financial distress.
Mortgage forbearance expiry dates will follow. While tenants might be able to move on after this debacle, I wonder how banks will handle unpaid back mortgage?
Will they simply move the due dates into the future?
I researched this topic several weeks ago and I stand behind my original post. My researched showed that the intent of the CARES Act was for loan term extensions however that's largely been left up to the discretion of each lender.
I have a 30 year fixed rate conforming conventional mortgage. This is ver-batim from their COVID-19 assistance page.
>Important: The terms of this Forbearance Plan, and any additional Forbearance Plan(s), do not include forgiveness of any amounts. The total amount of payments suspended during a Forbearance Period will become due and payable at the end of the Forbearance Period, and you will be required to either repay the suspended payments in full or make other arrangements for how you will repay the suspended payments, such as qualifying for a loan modification or another assistance option.
If your loan is owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, or if you have an FHA, VA, or USDA loan, your loan is likely subject to the CARES Act. The CARES Act allows for a forbearance of up to 180 days upon request, with an extension of up to an additional 180 days if your hardship is ongoing. The initial Forbearance Plan suspends payments for three months. If your financial hardship remains at the end of this Forbearance Plan and you are unable to resume your normal monthly payments, contact XXX for assistance. You may request additional Forbearance Plan(s) in three-month increments, up to a total of twelve months from the starting date of this Forbearance Plan, or seek another assistance option.
Even if your loan is not covered by the CARES Act, if you have a hardship you may contact us to request assistance. Please call xxx for further assistance.
Seeking does not mean "will get." Banks lose money from forbearance agreements - especially when there is a reasonable out like converting to residential.
Then lets say someone's house due to foreclosure from a variable-rate mortgage.
Happened all the time a few years ago, and its the same situation. The interest rates rose, people couldn't afford their mortgage anymore and were forced out.
Along those lines, notify your mortgage company immediately. They will try to help. No mortgagor wants you to lose your house: they're in the business of lending money, not of managing empty houses. They will most likely let you miss payments for a month or two without incurring penalties. If you're still unemployed after that, you can discuss mortgage modifications that will reduce the amount you have to pay monthly.
Especially with all the people who lost jobs due to COVID, they have become very accustomed to having to deal with this recently.
True, foreclosures need to be initiated. What should a bank do about a mortgage thats 3 months delinquent? Should they just stop collecting?
If its possible that they can reasonably modify the loan to terms that make repayment feasible, they should as it's a win-win, not because they are contractually obligated to in any way. But if given what they know about the property and the borrower's income, there is no feasible way to mod the loan, prudence requires that they foreclose.
This "bug" mistakenly put people in the wrong category.
I don't have a source for increased foreclosures due to soon to be expiration. That's my speculation only.