They have no control over how long your purgation will last, that depends on your own sins. Anyway, if you make a deal with devils, you will go straight to Hell if you are unrepentant of the act.
In Catholicism and some Protestant traditions, you will enter into a state of Purgatory, (or purgatory-like phase) after death where you are cleansed of sins. This could potentially take a while.
This should be written in the devil contract, like how long do I need to stay in purgatory...
> In this case, selling your soul is just a sin, a pretty bad one, but still a sin. In Catholicism and some Protestant traditions, you will enter into a state of Purgatory, (or purgatory-like phase) after death where you are cleansed of sins.
Catholicism does not teach that you will necessarily enter Purgatory; if you are unrepented, into the eternal fire you will go. This isn't because Satan owns your soul, but because you rejected God, who will not force you to be cleansed against your will.
If only they would leave the responsibility for hell and punishments to their omnipotent god. Especially if they didn't even read the Bible. But no, a supposed eternity of punishment isn't long and early enough for them.
Speaking as a Catholic, the eternity of hell is based on your willingness to be a monster rather than serve the one who is the source of all good. Which is as horrible an opinion as one could have.
Is this escape clause really in their doctrine? Pascal’s wager doesn’t make sense if you’re allowed to change your mind after getting a live demo of hell.
So if an otherwise good person can sell their soul to the devil and then be subject to eternal damnation upon death, could someone sell their soul to someone else and thus avoid damnation even if they were a bad person?