I'm much more interested in guix since it has all the same upsides but uses scheme instead of a weird NIH language, and it also has some standards when it comes to the licenses of the packages. (Nix disappointingly gives you the Adobe Flash plugin when you ask it to install Firefox, etc.) Still grateful for the solid foundation Nix provides.
Guix is a GNU project which underpins today’s largest eco-system of OS, utilities, tools, apps and language related work. It has larger community as well.
So although it’s inspired by Nix, I personally will chose it as it has evolved quickly and if you look at all three aspects Guix, Guix System and documentation it’s now better than Nix. Also last but not the least I work with emacs lisp, so I feel at home with Guile Scheme so I will prefer Guix over Nix.
Personally I will like Nix also to flourish and being a non GNU project it will be able to provide closed source proprietary packages which is not part of core Guix. I think a healthy competition between the two is good, and whichever gets popular is overall good for advances in OS eco-system. Guix System is a new OS, not just package manager.
But by making Guix package manager available to other systems, it might move people who see benefits to move to transactional, predictable, secure OS like NixOS or Guix System.
Is it really wise to go against such important/widely-used part of the linux userspace? I do find Guix as cool as NixOS, but this decision seems like a self-inflicted wound.
Nonetheless, I should definitely get to know the project more, because it was some time ago I tried it last.
So, Good luck with the project! :)
Like everything else with Gnu, the main difference seems to be philosophical. Guix is fundamentally opposed to pre-compiled binaries. Nix has no issue with them.
I use nix in production, and it is amazing. It's super config management on steroids with the ability to roll back in a literal instant.
Guix is based off nix, I have looked at it a few times, but it seems much more complicated and less developed than nix. It's only selling point over nix if that everything is written in guile, which does not matter to me.
I'm giving both a try. Nix is more polished, has many more packages, and is better documented.
I prefer Guix choice of using a real programming language (Scheme!) instead of a DSL, but I really like Nix anyway.
Something that annoys me sometimes is that Nix has a few really bloated packages, compiled with all dependencies on. For example, if I try installing mutt I eventually get python as a dependency. This is a bit ugly. I'm aware it's easy to change this, but I'd still love to get thinner binaries from hydra. Otherwise, a really neat piece of software.
Guix tends to be a bit more like Slackware or Arch. Very vanilla things. I would love if Nix went a bit in that direction too with regards to packaging policies. It's more secure and nicer to humble devices, like cheap Chromebooks.
Nix is what Guix is based on. You can think of Guix as the 'GNU Version' of Nix/NixOS, meaning it provides free software packages, and IIRC it uses Guile Scheme, rather than Nix, to describe all the packages and OS configuration.
It's a toss up as to whatever you like. I think Nix has a bigger community, more packages, etc. But Guix, strictly speaking I think, is a 'superset' because changes from Nix often flow into Guix (and Guix can use Nix packages directly), as Guix is built directly on the same source-code as Nix - but not the other way around. There are some other differences, like the fact Guix uses GNU dmd while NixOS uses systemd, etc etc.
It's all just personal preference I think. I use NixOS because it's reliable and has a decently sized community, and a lot of packages. It also has really, really good Haskell support, and being a Haskell developer, that's a pretty big plus to me. Having non-free packages isn't so much of a stickler for me. I think the Guix people are doing good work, though, and a distribution for free software and the GNU project is very important - so I wish them the best even if I'm farther away.
You'd have to try both of them and make a decision for yourself IMO. But I warn you: the rabbit hole is deep, and will require learning. And when you come out - you may be immensely displeased with the current state of affairs. :)
I oscillate back and forth between guix and nix. They both do the same thing really well. Nix is more mature, has some amazing capabilities, and is kinda annoying in spots such as documentation. I end up browsing users' repos for both.
Guix is more elegant in ways such as guile versus nix the dsl, although the haskell underpinning of nix is very useful.
If you're a linux user willing to put in the time and play around then both are perfectly usable as daily drivers but they're both learning experiences as well.
Hard to say which will win out, probably both, with excellent interoperability.
They really are the future of os managment, they simplify abstractions of state and naming
As a NixOS user who has (recently!) played with Guix, I don't think ‘battle testing’ is a great reason to prefer Nix.
Guix has an excellent CLI and awesome docs. It's stable and plenty usable. All being in one, high-level language like Scheme makes it seems really easy to hack on, and I think that's part of why its CLI is so good already.
Nix is faster, it supports macOS, and its package collection is much bigger because it's older. But Guix seems great to me, too! If you think you might like it, try it.
Can anyone explain to me the appeal of guix over nix? Is the learning curve any easier? I really badly wanted to like nix...but its just so strange and unconventional.
Whenever I need a disposable environment I reach for lxc/lxd.