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Kevin Sorbo's take


Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from the virus that they were vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.

I'm really interested a rebuttal to this.

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> This isn't just some random fact. It's extremely relevant to the pandemic.

I don't disagree with it being relevant but if one reads just the title of this article and had previously been infected they may believe they do not need to be vaccinated, but that isn't the case.

According to this study folks who were infected previously are more than 2x as likely to be reinfected than those who were previously infected and then vaccinated: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e1.htm?s_cid=mm...

> Vaccines are better and less risky than having your naive immune system deal with covid.

Agreed. However, many people are not in that position. For those who have been infected but not vaccinated, they have experienced immune systems and must evaluate information from that starting point.

> they didn’t do anything

Are you sure? Do you have any evidence that the vaccinated who caught COVID would not have had worse symptoms had they not been vaccinated?

I’m pretty sure all the stats at the time showed greater infection rates, greater hospitalisation rates, and greater mortality among the unvaccinated than the vaccinated.

EDIT: spelling

> vaccinated

I suspect this is an important differentiator.

A lot of us who got Covid before the vaccines have lingering issues.

> How do we know that the vaccine did not cause the same symptoms?

Because they started after COVID and not vaccination?

Edit: will add https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/vaccination-drama...

Vaccination actually reduces the risk.

>So, perhaps unsurprisingly, if you've had the virus and then received a vaccine, it appears that you have a very high level of immunity

Why would someone get vaccinated post infection?

> An 18 year old male who will eventually get covid if not vaccinated

At risk of repeating myself, this thread is about people who have already had COVID. Getting vaccinated isn't going to radically change the odds of what happens in the future.

> I wonder if some of the people having fevers and other flu-like side effects are people who were asymptomatic Covid carriers at one point!

I saw a similar claim about a week ago, that the correlation is high between people who were actually sick and then also got side-effects from a vaccine. They didn't include a reference, but if I see it again I'll definitely be poking them for one.

> The vaccines are helpful to the recipient, but . . . not really that helpful to the people who haven't taken them.

This isn't true, though.

>On the other hand, it is generally thought that vaccines can trigger immune reactions that are often much stronger and longer lasting than just being infected, so you would expect there to be a benefit to getting vaccinated even if you already had it.

Interestingly the opposite is true for influenza: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2870374/

> Because vaccination prevents you from spreading covid to others...

I agree with your general point, but to be clear, it likely reduces your chances of doing that, to some extent. It does not prevent you from spreading COVID.

> My kids got the vaccine this year, and all of them got sick because of the flu, 3 times.

probably not.

> being vaccinated might even make you more likely to be infected.

That would certainly seem unlikely. Really the only way that's possible is by vaccinated groups having different behavior. Which is somewhat likely, but then you're not really comparing the effects of the vaccine anymore.

Everything I've seen has shown the obvious, fewer and less serious cases.

> effects of the virus at play are irrelevant... only contagion matters

No, I'm sorry, but hospital ICUs near me are 90+% full again and we're returning to a strict lockdown. Given a hypothetical vaccine which reduces symptoms but transmission, the vaccine still reduces the hospitalization rate, so your un-vaccinated person B will have a better chance at treatment. Your situation #2 presumes that people with mild symptoms will be inclined to stay home -- in my experience, this is not the case.

I don't know who was saying this (I wasn't personally reading it), but it was obviously dumb.

The question really isn't whether vaccinated people get sick, or even whether they spread the virus, but whether they end up in the hospital. Right now, if you're vaccinated, you are extraordinarily unlikely to end up in the hospital.

> If someone got sick because you weren't vaccinated, does that not imply that they were also not vaccinated?

Vaccines are not 100% effective, and, in any case, even if they aren't, they may have a real medical reason for not vaccinating: a large part of the reason for efforts to achieve universal vaccination among those who don't have a special medical condition making vaccination unavoidable is herd immunity; the effect that reducing the rates of infection reduces the risks from vaccine failure in those who do vaccinate, and reduces the risk of exposure in those who legitimately cannot vaccinate.

> > It was basically a very mild flu.

> Well, yeah, you're vaccinated.

While we're sharing anecdotes, I was unvaccinated when i got Covid and my experience was also that of a mild Flu. Contrasted with my brother in-law who was vaccinated and got Covid at the same time, our symptoms were on par. Same severity and duration.

>A vast majority of who gets the virus does not die or get any effects.

To the OP's point, the same can be said about the vaccine. Their point being, because of the transmissibility of the virus, it's fairly safe to assume that most people leading normal lives will be exposed to the virus at some point so the choice is whether or not to be exposed while vaccinated or not. There seems to be less uncertainty around the vaccine than the virus, so the risks are better known.

>Is that relevant if most people who get the jab also later get covid?

You do realize that the whole point of a vaccine is to either prevent or improve the symptoms of a disease right? So if you're nearly guaranteed to get covid then you definitely want to suffer a smaller number of complications from a vaccine and then reduced post-vaccine covid complications versus the much worse complications of un-vaccinated covid. The math is different if you're unlikely to catch covid but as you admit yourself that isn't the case nowadays.


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