That doesn’t actually seem right though. You have control groups at least through all phases of trials to make sure “the treatment works”. That’s literally the point of the control.
Especially now that we know the vaccines don’t completely work to stop infection or prevent symptoms or spread.
I’m all for the vaccines, but it seems crazy that they didn’t even wait until phase3 was over for a new type that has never been tested on humans before.
If the argument is “the control petiole were at risk”, they should have been told their vaccine was placebo and ask for volunteers to remain in control, seems like flat out offering them real shot defeats the point, doesn’t it?
> It would be unethical to hold back vaccinations from a control group for 2 years after it already proved efficacy.
Is it? I don't remember reading about that in NIH training on control groups. I'm pretty sure when your plan is to distribute 1 billion vaccines, holding out 0.000015 for a placebo control group is a sensible "ethical" tradeoff. Especially if, I don't know, everyone *volunteered* and agreed to those terms when signing up! And especially if, I don't know, all the data they had to date showed no increase in death rate?
> The trial protocol allows for a participant to leave at any time for any reason.
Exactly. And some would. But most would not. Just like every other randomized control study. It boggles the mind to say "let's tell everyone they got the placebo, because some people might leave". That does not follow logic.
> plot to hide the long-term inefficacy of their vaccines is absurd.
What part of that is absurd?
At the time the control groups were destroyed, there was no evidence that the vaccines were saving lives ( — 7 deaths in placebo group; 7 in control group). Now, if you got tens of billions of dollars based on those early results, wouldn't you have *strong* incentives to shut things down, and not wait for the long-term verdict? What would you have to gain if 2 years in, the placebo group continued to have just as few deaths as the vaccine group?
Are you saying that the idea that humans respond to incentives is absurd?
> In no world is this statement justifiable. It is obvious
I have an idea. What if we did a randomized control placebo group and compared death rates. That is the gold standard, right? Well they did that, and the placebo group and vaccine group had the same death rate (their next move then was to end the placebo group).
I would be surprised if it turns out the vaccines don't save lives, but I haven't seen any clear cut proof that they are, given that the one experiment that would have proven it conclusively didn't, and then was ended early. So I think it's a perfectly justifiable statement and point of view.
> But once you have an effective treatment, you no longer have a control group if you're at all ethical. You cannot keep a working treatment from people just to do more science, that is deeply and fundamentally unethical.
You could easily find millions of potential study participants who don’t want the vaccine. The study wouldn’t be double-blind, but it would be single-blind and better than what they chose to do.
>Instead of perusing such experimental treatments, they could just get vaccinated.
This is the attitude I am talking about.
As I said earlier, I agree treatment options are not a substitute for vaccination. Why does being pro-vaccine necessitate being hostile to treatment options?
First off, Some people can't get vaccinated, and some vaccinated still get ill.
Second, for those who refuse to get vaccinated (as ill advised as it may be), don't we want them to have the 2nd best health outcome possible? Don't we want to minimize healthcare burden and social harm?
It seems like there is a large contingent of the population that want these people to suffer and die, and root for treatments to fail. Some sort of vindictiveness where folks are willing to sacrifice the public interest and their own to spite the vaccine-resistant.
> Also in terms of stakes, please show me even a modicum of work that suggests the downside risk of approval is greater than the delayed vaccinations. What reason have I to believe there is great risk in approval?
As I understand it, medical ethics isn’t about utilitarianism, or else we’d skip the rats and monkeys and just go straight to testing on the poor for money. They don’t seem to prioritize minimizing the opportunity cost of avoiding bad outcomes. Their guiding principle seems to be avoiding giving harmful treatment.
Meanwhile some healthcare workers at my partner’s facility are skeptical about whether the vaccine was rushed (I think they’re crazy, for the record). But there’s real risk if enough of the public doesn’t trust the vaccine. I’d bet that kind of angle is part of why they focus on “do no harm” instead of “minimize cumulative regret.”
>> by definition a vaccine should NOT be a treatment, a vaccine has to be preventative, and further personally I believe...
Hmm, I don't see the basis for this conclusion. This treatment is acting according to the common definition of a vaccine. Whether before or after disease activation is not part of the definition. As far as your personal belief, I understand that you may feel strongly, but I'm sorry to say that doesn't really enter into articulating an accepted scientific definition.
vaccine: any preventive preparation used to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific disease, ...
Could you be more specific about any particular legal shield? They all have to go through the same phased trials system. I don't see any reason to conclude this is a legal shenanigan. What they have created meets the well-known definition of a vaccine.
> Of course this argument completely falls apart when you know how vaccine development works, but it's an argument that genuinely only applies to this specific group of vaccines.
So if this is true then there should be no testing period right? We should know out the gate if a vaccine is safe or not right? Clearly this is incorrect.
If you like testing vaccines, join the military. Then let’s see after you’re injected with various chemicals and get a 100% disability from it if you feel the same way and attempt to force others into your line of thought.
> So if people had been allowed to take experimental vaccines, the pandemic would have been a lot better.
> In this circumstance as well, taking a chance is worth it.
Nope nope nope nope. This is the literal example of survivor bias. You can't look at the results and use them to inform prior behaviour. The vaccine could have had catastrophic side effects.
>Instead, I’m interested in how these “treatments” with no strong evidence are getting weaponized by motivated agents (like the anti-vax crowd) to sow distrust both in scientific organizations (the CDC, and the FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, et al), and in the use of tools with proven effectiveness, like the vaccines themselves.
In this polarized environment CDC/FDA/WHO/AMA are political organizations first and authoritative ones second. The conflict of interest here is legitimate and the loss of their authority with the public is in great part their own doing.
> If a bunch of people get injected with a placebo, it's at worse neutral.
If they think they got a functional vaccine and change their behavior as a result, a placebo has the potential to do untold harm all by itself. Further, it erodes loss of confidence so that when a working vaccine is discovered, it's even harder to get people to take it.
The FDA has faults, but when you look at people's objections it boils down to erring on the side of being too safe. How much trust would a regulator have if it erred on the side of being too unsafe?
> But then again, the CDC was pushing the idea that getting vaccinated means you won’t get sick so I guess believing the CDC holds some scientific validity is an error to begin
There was a chance that this was going to be true. It didn't turn out that way. You're basically blaming them for trying, or what is your point?
> despite clear scientific evidence that the vaccines are safe and effective
This is BS. What we have are encouraging preliminary tests made by the creator of the vaccine.
Before we can trust it it needs to be confronted to the real world.
Multiple cases of people getting infected despite having the first shot and multiple cases of suspect deaths don't inspire confidence the vaccine is as good as touted.
> It amazes me that there remains this misguided view that vaccination efficacy around protecting others is a binary mechanism. It's not. There is evidence of at least partial reduction in infection, not just outcome, by being vaccinated.
I do not understand if this argument is made in good faith or if it's covid deniers stirring shit up in the public debate or just rationalizing their fear of the syringe (yes, I know of 2 anti-vax who admitted it was their original reasons to refuse the vaccine).
> because I refuse to take an experimental vaccine.
You might elicit sympathy for your plight if you had lab confirmed robust preexisting natural immunity which was being ignored, or you were a young man at great risk of myo/pericarditis, or severely allergic to vaccine ingredients. However, as you merely stated an obvious falsehood, that the vaccines are experimental, you get no sympathy from me. What do you think you’re going to discover that the ~100,000 phase I-III test subjects and billions of people who already got vaccinated haven’t already discovered?
> because they refused an experimental medical treatment
At what point is this going to stop being a talking point? Billions of doses, well over a year of data, at what point will people be satisfied? Every day this seems less and less valid, and it didn't seem terribly valid when vaccines initially started rolling out.
That doesn’t actually seem right though. You have control groups at least through all phases of trials to make sure “the treatment works”. That’s literally the point of the control.
Especially now that we know the vaccines don’t completely work to stop infection or prevent symptoms or spread.
I’m all for the vaccines, but it seems crazy that they didn’t even wait until phase3 was over for a new type that has never been tested on humans before.
If the argument is “the control petiole were at risk”, they should have been told their vaccine was placebo and ask for volunteers to remain in control, seems like flat out offering them real shot defeats the point, doesn’t it?