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Apple's brand is tarnished in my eyes. I already got rid of my iPhone and won't be returning. The fact that they even announced this is proof that they only ever cared about providing a facade of privacy.

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The claims of privacy by Apple are just a facade. I’m done with this walled in ecosystem (jail).

They have good looking products but the company itself is as rotten as their competition.

This says it all really. Apple clearly won't risk losing profits while pushing a veneer of privacy. I have no trust in it at all.

IMHO the Apple cult really sucks. Apple isn't really caring about privacy, they are just making a lot of money with false promises.

I feel absolutely violated by Apple. Privacy and Security are now words I would not associate with that brand.

Apple is not to be trusted in terms of privacy. Nobody knows what their software is actually doing. It's all closed source. Their focus on privacy in their advertisements does not mean that their software actually protects users' privacy.

This is by far the biggest misstep of Tim Cook’s tenure at Apple thus far.

If they don’t kill this program soon, it’s going to overshadow the entire upcoming iPhone event, and will follow Apple around like a dark cloud for years.

I can see the headlines now: “New iPhone launches amid massive new privacy concerns.”

Anytime someone praises Apple for privacy, anywhere on the internet, there will be a tidal wave of people bringing up this program in rebuttal. From people who would have previously defended Apple to the grave!

I cannot fathom how on earth anybody thought this was a good idea. It’s like taking decades and billions of dollars worth of hard won reputation for privacy and throwing it in the garbage at the worst possible moment.

This is what made me stop using Apple products altogether. Their privacy and security bit is all smoke and mirrors, and I'd much rather just directly understand what my privacy model looks like instead of trying to surmise what's going on through the other side of the frosted glass. Their compliance with China's Uighur roundup is despicable, and I don't trust them in the slightest to defend tech in the long-term. They're out to make money, which is why they're the most profitable business in the world.

It's the hypocrisy of Apple using privacy in their marketing and then turning around and doing this.

Apple has made huge compromises to try and give some privacy back to the consumer, who lost it all from paying for cheap products where the product is you. And people just ignore this progress because they want to be anti-Apple. It's sad.

But Apple = privacy. J/k... can't believe people still think that is the case.

I've been saying that about Apple's privacy lip service and disingenuous privacy marketing for a long time.

I support Apple trying to turn privacy into a major marketing issue, but I think we’ve basically already learned that consumers just do not care.

So nowadays Apple is posing itself as the champion of privacy, and yet they pull this shit...

Know why? Apple is the worst privacy offender and you’re their product.

I rather pay Apple with my money than the other companies with my privacy to use their product

Apple doesn't give a damn about customer privacy. The image they gained is just an illusion.

CSAM, Google deal, Macs phoning home...

They desire money and control and nothing else.

Wake up, Apple fans.

Honestly, Apple's privacy move over the years is genius. Its going to be a long time, maybe never, before I buy something besides an iPhone. I don't even like Phones(in general) that much and Apples aggressive cable policies drive me insane but this is getting really scary.

May I remind you that Apple's core value is protection of user's privacy. They are compromising their own core values.

Apple has literally proposed using the phone you bought and paid for to spy on you and report you to the authorities if you do bad things. While they backed down from that plan, they went out of their way to make it clear that they were only backing down temporarily. To suggest that iOS is ahead in privacy is ludicrous.

I'll keep buying phones that only use cloud services that spy on me, instead of spying on me directly. At least that's somewhat defensible as it's not my hardware acting against me.


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