Ok, you eat bugs, I will stay with grass-fed beef like normal people. Meat is not a "problem" and it doesn't need "solving", and I will not eat insects, that's absolutely disgusting.
I was not advocating eating bugs in place of meat (I don't like the idea either). I was saying that if for some reason we had to forfait meat, I think it would be easier for the average person to have a proper diet if it included bugs than a vegan one.
That said, I agree with you, those that advocate such a change are the last ones willing to do it (let's guess when meat will disappear from EU Parliament canteen).
Here's a reality you aren't addressing: people don't really want to eat insects. Here's another: about 2 years ago a president was elected in my country partly by promising that the poor would get to eat meat regularly once again.
Make people miserable at your own peril. The simple fact is nobody really wants to be reduced to eating worms and bugs. No one really gives a shit about how "scalable" it is either. Whoever finds a way to provide what people want will have enormous power.
> If people find an alternative that looks, tastes, and acts like meat
Pretty big if you got there. The "alternatives" so far don't really fulfill any of those criteria. They also have the added bonus of offending a person's basic dignity with the knowledge that they're eating insects. There are literal animals out there who receive better treatment.
I don't think it's a matter of "ew gross bugs" it's that there is always a strong undertone of "we should ban beef and replace it with bugs" in these conversations. That kind of thing gets people riled up, and it should.
in what world will people eat bugs instead of beef, do bugs taste anywhere as good as beef? all the push from the supply side doesn't fix the demand problem.
We're not automatons that you can throw any random mix of protein and carbohydrates into as fuel, and food choices are not "logical". Being forced to eat insects like an animal is humiliating and disgusting. Regular meat is delicious. Most people will never consider eating bugs, they're synonymous with disease, filth, and poverty.
Don’t eat the bugs. You have an innate disgust reaction to bugs and to the idea of eating them. It evolved over millions of years. Heed nature’s warning. They only eat bugs in places where it was historically necessary due to extreme famine. These activists trying to get you to eat bugs don’t have your best interests at heart. Eat meat. It is one of the great liberties man enjoys.
Except I'm not american. I'm brazilian. Puritan influence? Can't get any further than that. Do you actually think it's just americans who'd refuse to eat bugs?
I'm not gonna eat insects dude. I'm just not gonna do it. They could be the literal incarnation of whey protein and I still wouldn't eat them. There's just no way you can convince me to do that.
I don't care how much space, energy, water, whatever else is required for meat production either. That's what I want to eat. That's what I'm gonna eat.
> it doesn't change the appeal of eating an animal living its entire life among a pile of rotten food and poop.
I recommend researching how meat is raised. It's probably much more unappealing than how food insects are raised. You can eat insects without knowing that you're eating insects.
Here are some insect food products that you can buy in the US.[1] They are good.